time for adjudication

[法] 宣判日期

  • Before expiry of the time limit it may apply for a postponement of30 days on account of force majeure or other justified reasons ; whether or not the application shall be granted is up to the Trademark Review and Adjudication Board to decide .

    当事人因不可抗拒的事由或者其他正当理由,可以在 期满申请延请三十天,是否准许,由商标 评审委员会决定。

  • While in the later part a proposal is put forward concerning establishing criminal retrial application system the author expounds and verifies it around subject of criminal retrial application time limitation of application for rehearsal adjudication ground for rehearsal and review system .

    下篇为分论,分刑事 申请再审主体、 时效管辖、理由、审查等五个课题详细论证了建立刑事申请再审之诉制度的基本思路和具体设想。

  • At the same time modifying the provision of the current procedure for supervision upon adjudication rebuild retrial program by standardizing conditions of retrial program and controlling the institution of review program strictly .

    在实行有限三审制的 同时,修改现行 审判监督程序的规定,建立再审之诉,规定明确的再审事由,对再审程序的启动予以严格限制。