


  • In the hearts of the Bouyei people the timbal symbolises the wealth power and unity and is treated with great respect .

    在布依族人民的心目中, 铜鼓象征着财富、权力和团结。

  • The activity of NOS in timbal of aorta increases obviously .

    主动脉 内膜一氧化氮合酶的活性明显 回升

  • This paper discusses the influence of the smelting and casting technology 's development of Chinese bronze on timbal then points out the timbal of south china is based on and embodies the advanced bronze technology in central plains .

    通过中国青铜冶炼技术及铸造技术的发展 情况 阐述技术的发展对 铜鼓铸造的影响,说明了长盛不衰的铜鼓是以先进的冶铸技术为 载体,并体现着先进的青铜冶铸技术在南方的延续。

  • The Influence of the Smelting and Casting Technology 's Development of Chinese Bronze on Timbal

    中国青铜冶铸技术发展对 铜鼓的影响

  • The paper points out that the nationality and locality determine the basic characters historical functions and significance of timbal .

    铜鼓的民族性、地域性决定了其基本特征, 从而 产生 特殊的历史功用和现实意义。

  • Analysis of the chemical composition of the Vietnamese timbal and other objects

    越南 铜鼓和其他器物成份分析 报告