


  • But press savagery towards the rich and powerful also taps into an ancient British tradition that of instinctive derision for the strutting toff or politician amid the battle-cry : who does he think he is ?

    但这种针对富人和当权者的媒体野性也符合英国的古老传统:普通 本能地嘲讽自鸣得意的上层人物或政治家,同时还要 振臂高呼:“他当他是谁?”

  • Among people who care about such things it is said that the prime minister does not quite qualify as a Tory toff .

    在关心这些事情的人当中,据说新首相还算不上保守党的 纨绔子弟

  • Influences of electrolytic parameters ( the ratio of ton to toff frequency mean current density and temperature of electrolyte ) on synthesis of nano-fibrous PANI were studied in detail . The process conditions were optimized .

    详细探讨了电解工艺参数(脉冲占空比、频率、平均电流密度以及溶液温度)等对纳米纤维 聚苯胺膜合成的影响,获得了制取纳米纤维聚苯胺的最佳工艺条件。

  • However Call Me Dave ( CMD ) is seen by most people as a bit of a toff - a member of the privileged classes who is used to the finer things in life .

    然而,很多人认为叫我大卫这 一种 有钱 的感觉,就是那些习惯了奢侈生活的特权阶层成员。

  • Time is * the prolong of pulse toff can decrease the content of iron ;

    脉冲 时间延长, 镀层 中铁含量减少;

  • The toff who had bought him a drink after the fight and patted him on the shoulder had used those words .

    这是那个在 之后 他去喝酒的家伙,拍着他的肩膀对他说的。

  • Such a toff you 'd hardly recognize him .

    穿 如此 光鲜 不出。

  • Through two methods measuring cutoff thrust and pressure of com - bustion chamber when testing liquid propellant rocket engine on ground cu - toff impulse as simulated altitude condition is obtained . These methods are revie - wed simply too .

    本文叙述在地面条件下试验液体火箭发动机时,通过测量发动机后效段推力与测量发动机燃烧室压力两种方法来求得模拟高空 后效冲量,并对这两种方法作简单评论。

  • Everyone who goes there 's a toff . they 're all into that karma crap .

    每个 去的人都能进到 那个 摆设

  • Some said he was a toff in disguise .

    有些 说他是个 乔装 绅士

  • Everyday Wang Mian go out very early in the morning to feed the cattle for the toff .

    每天早上,王冕很早就 出门 有钱 放牛