to bite the dust

[tu baɪt ði dʌst][tu: bait ðə dʌst]


  • And be not slow in turning your back on it unless you want to bite the dust in bitter defeat .

    不要在它 面前慢慢地转身,除非你 愿意 一败涂地

  • In fact I was not the only one in the class to bite the dust that winter . the day receptionist will be relieved at 21 . 00 when the night shift come on .

    其实,那冬天班里不只我一个 病倒了。 白班接待员在晚上9点由夜班接待员换班。

  • The allegation has caused one lecturer 's career to bite the dust .

    这项指控 断送了一名讲师的前程。