to the core

[tu ði kɔr][tu: ðə kɔ:]

十分, 彻底地

  • Containers can run instructions native to the core CPU without any special interpretation mechanisms .

    容器可以 核心CPU本地运行指令,而不需要任何专门的解释机制。

  • With these libraries and tools in place you 're ready to move on to the core Snort configuration and installation .

    有了这些库和工具,您就可以转向 核心的Snort配置和安装了。

  • She is American to the core .

    她是个 地道 美国人。

  • Tracing is the process of delivering measurements from the collector to the core APM system .

    跟踪是收集器 核心APM系统交付测量数据的流程。

  • The man 's morals are rotten to the core .

    这个人的品行 坏透了。

  • He gets to the core of a problem by looking at things from various angles .

    他会从各种角度来看待问题, 从而找到问题 核心

  • The following is a summary guide to the core elements of the Kia Motors Corporation identity .

    以下是起亚汽车公司身份 核心内容的简要指南。

  • It describes some of the key new enhancements to the core product and explores the new Advanced RealTime technology in LEI6 .

    描述了 LEI6 核心产品的一些关键改进,并探讨了LEI6中新的AdvancedRealTime技术。

  • Hes an innovator and entrepreneur to the core and this role suits him perfectly .

    他是公司 核心 革新者和企业家,这个头衔非常适合他。

  • The system is rotten to the core .

    这个制度腐败 透顶

  • Add these projects to the Core component .

    将这些项目添加 Core组件中。

  • The villagers are royalist to the core .

    那些村民是十足的 保皇主义者。

  • With his usual elegance he goes right to the core of the issue .

    用他一贯的风雅的言词,他正确 抓住了问题 核心

  • This radish has gone spongy to the core .

    这萝卜都糠透了 心儿了。

  • But to the core it reminds us that our youth as imperfect as it can be has made us the people we are today .

    而全片 精髓是在提醒我们,无论我们的青春究竟有多不完美,它都让我们成为了今天的自己。

  • I began to wonder whether I was plain bad to the core .

    我开始怀疑是否我 核心部门产生不利影响。

  • It was a thought that chilled me to the core .

    这种 使我 不寒而栗

  • It 's rotten to the core .

    都已经烂 了。

  • In fact the implementation of these additional methods are implemented by delegation to the core EMF ones .

    事实上,这些附加方法的实现是委派 核心EMF方法实现的。

  • He didn 't get to the core of the subject .

    他没有触及问题 核心

  • It is an easier process than making changes to the core .

    这个流程比更改 核心 容易一些。

  • Leonard was shaken to the core ; he 'd never seen or read anything like it .

    伦纳德极 震惊;他从未看过或读过这样的东西。

  • In the last article we defined what we mean by iterative and incremental development and examined what this way of working means to the core development team producing the software .

    在上一篇文章中,我们定义了迭代式增量开发模式的意义,并且讨论了这种方式对从事软件生产 核心开发团队意味着什么。

  • Leo is Fire to the core ! Fire brings a desire to create innovate and lead .

    狮子是火相星座 中心。火引发了创造,革新和领导的欲望。

  • However there were several small additions to the core code that can help you improve your own code .

    不过,有几个 添加 小特性可以帮助您改善代码。

  • Nancy and I are pained to the core by the tragedy of the shuttle Challenger .

    南希和我 挑战者号航天飞机的悲剧感到至为 痛心

  • He will do so until Nato restores deterrence to the core of European security .

    普京将会继续这么做,直至北约(Nato)将威慑 重新置于欧洲安全 核心

  • Introduction to the core technologies that make up Web services .

    介绍了构成Web服务 核心技术。

  • The HTTP Adapter securely retrieves the application content and delivers it to the core for processing .

    HTTP适配器安全地检索应用程序内容并将其送 达到 内核进行处理。

  • What she does possess is the ability to get straight to the core of a problem .

    她确实有直入问题 本质的能力。