to say the least

[tu se ði list][tu: sei ðə li:st]


  • What all this means for the rest of the country is unclear to say the least .

    退 ,所有的这一切对美国其他地区有什么样的意义尚不清楚。

  • I was to say the least nonplussed by his reply .

    至少 可以 ,他的答复使我迷惑。

  • Not very efficient to say the least .

    退 ,不是非常高效

  • Without Hong Kong we would not be well informed to say the least .

    如果没有香港, 起码我们信息就不灵通。

  • My first few days were harrowing to say the least .

    我的头几天是痛苦 至少 可以

  • Some members of the public can be a bit abusive to say the least .

    有些民众客气点 是嘴里 不大干净。

  • I was surprised at what he said to say the least .

    夸张 ,我 他的话感到吃惊。

  • Picking the right six numbers in a lotto is to say the least statistically improbable .

    全部选中乐透的六个正确号码 退一步 统计学上是不可能的。

  • It would therefore be unwise to say the least for policymakers to rely on monetary policy alone .

    因此, 退一步 ,决策者单纯依赖货币政策是不明智

  • I found him a difficult person to say the least .

    至少 可以 这么 ,我发现他是一个很难对付的人。

  • Your work isn 't very good to say the least .

    至少可以 ,你的工作不是很出色。

  • I found the flight rather uncomfortable to say the least .

    至少 可以 这么 ,我觉得这次飞行特别不舒服。

  • This can make a number of types of Web applications a bit impractical to say the least .

    至少会影响很多类型的Web应用程序 实用性。

  • To say the least the program has been ideal for me as a student professional and person and has increased my global business experience and raised it to a completely different level .


  • This is a superficial assessment to say the least .

    退 这是一个肤浅的评价。

  • He 's made us afraid of doing the logical thing to say the least .

    至少他已经让我们害怕去做这些 逻辑的事了。

  • Well this is a problematic issue to say the least .

    可以说这是一 回答 问题。

  • But 50 years is unusual to say the least he said .

    至少 可以说,活过50年的患者非常少见。

  • His behaviour towards me was impolite to say the least of it .

    他对我的态度,别的不 至少也是不礼貌

  • This is to say the least an ominous sign .


  • I found his arguments abstruse to say the least .

    至少可以 ,我发现他的观点艰深 难懂

  • He made a concrete piano that was rather cumbersome to say the least .

    他制造了一架混凝土钢琴,相当麻烦, 至少 可以 这么

  • A development which will have to say the least intriguing effects .

    这样发展下去, 客气 ,会引起人们的好奇心

  • Finding one can be very difficult to say the least if you are using HSP based modem drivers .

    找到一个可以 至少 可以 ,如果你是用调制解调器司机保基。

  • Dicey deal here to say the least .


  • This is not the proper way to handle the matter to say the least .

    至少 可以 ,这样处理不妥。

  • Which when I first went to China were not exactly popular to say the least .

    当我第一次去中国的时候,可没有 这么 欢迎。

  • To say the least a lot of Singaporeans do not have a comprehensive understanding of the OPC scheme .

    至少 可以 这样 ,许多新加坡人没有一个全面的认识OPC方案。

  • The methodologies for this study were odd to say the least .

    退一 ,对于该项研究的方法论是 定的。

  • Accommodation was basic to say the least

    轻里 是住宿条件 简陋