to the letter

[tu ði ˈlɛtɚ][tu: ðə ˈletə]


  • A : Maybe they forgot to attach it to the letter .

    A:也许他们忘记把他附 了。

  • I expect you to follow her orders to the letter as if they were mine .

    我希望你能遵从她的命令,就如是我所 下达的。

  • Howell I 've instructed our soldiers to follow this wish to the letter .

    我已经命令我们的士兵 严格遵守这条纪律。

  • We made up our minds to carry out the order to the letter .

    我们 决心 不折不扣地执行命令。

  • Soldiers have to obey orders to the letter .

    战士必须 百分之百地服从命令。

  • A : Thank you doctor . I 'll follow your adivce to the letter .

    谢谢,大夫.我将 严格按您的建议 做。

  • The bank 's responsibility is to verify that the explorer 's documents conform to the letter of credit .

    银行的责任在于查核出口商的单据 必须与信用 一致。

  • This aside grenadiers are dedicated soldiers who will follow orders to the letter .

    除此以外,掷弹兵是具有献身精神能 一丝不苟地执行命令的士兵。

  • We are going to execute our campaign plan to the letter .

    我们将 严格施行我们的竞选计划。

  • They had stuck to the letter of the law and in my view they should be ashamed .

    他们死抠法律 字眼。依我看他们应该感到惭愧。

  • We always did our system builds on a clean environment set up by the I & T team so we thoroughly tested the build documentation which we followed to the letter .

    我们通常在被 I&T团队建立的清洁环境中进行系统的构建,因此我们彻底的测试了构建的文档。

  • Fasten your check to the letter so that it won 't get lost .

    把支票 钉在一起,别让它掉了。

  • It is the bank 's responsibility to examine the documents in relation to the letter of credit issued .

    行负责审核 开信用证有关的单据。

  • I 've given you an outline to the letter of Hebrews .

    我已经给了你们 希伯来 》的提纲。

  • Attach the document to the letter .


  • For myself therefore I desire to declare that the principle that will govern me in the high duty to which my country calls me is a strict adherence to the letter and spirit of the Constitution as it was designed by those who framed it .

    而我自己,我想宣布,那些将在我的祖国召唤我的这崇高职责上指导我的原则,必须严格 依照,如同其构造者所设想的宪法 文字和精神。

  • His mother excitedly explained to him what had happened to the letter .

    大卫的妈妈兴高采烈地向他解释 的事情。

  • This order is to be obeyed to the letter .

    一定要 不折不扣 服从这项命令。

  • Haven 't I told you that the address to the letter might be wrong ?

    我难道没告诉过你 地址有错吗?

  • She obeyed his instructions to the letter .

    分毫不差地遵照他的吩咐 做。

  • Take your time don 't cut corners and follow instructions to the letter .

    慢慢来,不要图省事,要 严格按照说明 做。

  • I will consider what the Law says however I do not have stick to the letter of the law it can be based on the balance of probability .

    我会从法律方面进行考虑,但是我不会完全依据法律条款( 文字)。我会基于可能性较高者做出决定。

  • The translation is inexact to the letter .

    这篇译文不 确切

  • Rim was right to respond to the letter but so wrong in it its handling of it .

    回应 信件是对的,不过RIM 采取 处理方式并不恰当。

  • If you followed the steps to the letter the URL is http : / / localhost : 9060 / admin .

    如果您严格遵循了上述步骤,那么这个URL是 http://localhost:9060/admin

  • But I have an idea I think might satisfy all of us and also adhere to the letter of the law .

    但是我有一个办法,我想可以令所有人满意,同时 遵守法律 条文

  • But it is strange this apologetic tone to the letter .

    但是很奇怪, 语气充满歉意。