to the nth degree

[tu ði ɛnθ dɪˈɡri][tu: ðə enθ diˈɡri:]


  • We were questioned to the nth degree .

    我们 不知被问了 多少 了。

  • The photographs Anne Lawson takes are superb to the nth degree .


  • Her choice of words was exact to the nth degree .

    措辞 为准确。

  • In modern economic society this process is carried to the nth degree .

    在现代经济社会中,这种过程被推行 深远 程度

  • To the nth degree power w_308 Ultimate bearing capacity of strip footings on inhomogeneous soil foundation under combined loading

    n 乘幂w_328⑵无限地;到极点,极度地复合加载情况下非均质地基上条形基础的极限承载力研究

  • In this article a simple method is given to the Taylor 's expansion of a polynomial function f ( x ) of the nth degree at an arbitrary point x_0 by synthetic division .

    本文给出了利用综合法 n 多项式函数f(x)在 x0的泰勒展开 一种方法。地球膨胀说提出、发展及其主要事实依据这种改造的特点是它的扩张性。

  • He annoys me to the nth degree .

    使我极其 恼怒

  • You 're a risk-taker to the nth degree .

    你是个 十足的冒险者。

  • It is showed that the n-photon absorption transition rate is proportional to the nth power of intensity and the nth order photon coherent degree .

    理论分析结果表明,n光子吸收跃迁速率与光强 n 和n阶光子相干 正比

  • Sports a new seat frame and widened rear tire sweptback handlebar and power to the nth degree .

    运动系列-新的 坐椅、加宽的后胎、可调整角度向后倾斜的手

  • The crew were tested to the nth degree .

    全体船员接受了 无数 考验。

  • Long before ' Gravity ' went into production it was choreographed to the nth degree .


  • Ned and I discussed everything to the nth degree

    我和 内德极为深入地讨论了每一件事

  • It is the essence of cool but taken to the nth degree and with a dirty word thrown in .

    从本质上来说就是酷,不过 比酷 酷上 N ,更何况 里还带个脏字呢!