




  • As she proceeded to walk down the corridor the air which rose with the musical tingle of Spanish coloring everything that touched it greeted her .

    当她穿过走廊的时候,那带着西班牙音乐 气息的空气迎面扑来。

  • PALATE : A zesty palate full of flavour of limes and citrus with a tingle on the tongue .

    味:味觉上洋溢着酸橙和柑橘风味的同时,舌尖略带 刺痛

  • All kinds of pollution cases happen as one falls another rises around the world which deeply tingle people who just enjoyed the results of industrial civilization .

    全球各地的重污染事件此起彼伏,深深的 刺痛了刚刚享用到工业文明成果的人。

  • The backs of his thighs tingled .

    他大腿 后侧 感到 刺痛

  • You 're getting the special tingle !

    你现在特别的 兴奋

  • Yet the business suit has an exciting and mysterious history that should give wearers a tingle of pleasure every time they put one on .

    但是,商业西服精彩而神秘的历史仍被穿着它的人 津津乐道

  • A little electric tingle seemed to run up my spine .


  • The cold water made my feet tingle .

    脚在冷水里 麻酥酥的。

  • His careless manner had gone at last his eyes were sparkling and a tingle went through them every time they touched his body .

    彼得那 满不在乎的神态,终于不见了,他的眼睛闪着 。每次碰到他的身体,他们身上就 微微

  • The very dust and silence in here seemed to tingle with some secret magic .

    这里的 尘封和沉寂似乎和某种神秘的魔法有某种 必然 关系

  • Xiaoli 's promise to marry him made his spine tingle .

    小李答应与他结婚使他 激动

  • And the LORD said to samuel behold I will do a thing in israel at which both the ears of every one that heareth it shall tingle .


  • As I crossed the threshold of the cafeteria I felt the first true tingle of fear slither down my spine and settle in my stomach .

    当我穿过自助餐厅的入口时,我第一次真切 感受到了 一阵恐惧的 刺痛滑过我的脊柱,落到我的胃里。

  • Therefore this is what the Lord the God of Israel says : I am going to bring such disaster on Jerusalem and Judah that the ears of everyone who hears of it will tingle .

    所以耶和华以色列的神如此说,我必降祸与耶路撒冷和犹大, 一切听见的 无不 耳鸣

  • You hungry ? The grub here will make your bollocks tingle .

    饿了吗?这里的东西会让你 得走不动。

  • When I look over and see Terry I tingle all over .

    当我放眼望去见到特里时,我 整个 兴奋 不已

  • Romantic novelists rarely fail to include in their oeuvre that special moment when two strangers look into each other 's eyes across a crowded room and feel the tingle of desire .

    浪漫主义小说家大多善于在作品中描写这样的场面:在一间拥挤的房间里,陌生男女随着目光的交汇, 怦然心动

  • She tingled with excitement

    她激动 不已

  • The good news that his son was going to get married made his spine tingle .

    他儿子要结婚的好消息让他 激动

  • a taste which is first sweet then bitter leaving a tingling sensation on the tongue .

    先甜后苦,在舌头上留下一丝 刺痛感觉的味道

  • The Evita stuff made me tingle .

    那个“贝隆夫人”的歌让我 兴奋

  • The cold made my face tingle .

    寒风 刺痛了我的脸。

  • I 'm starting to think that tingle is just you being jealous .

    我开始觉得那些 刺痛只是你在嫉妒。

  • The cold caused a tingle in my ears .

    严寒使我的耳朵有 刺痛

  • The pop made my tongue tingle a strong acid-sweet taste that almost hurt .

    汽水使我的舌头 发麻,强烈的甜酸味蜇得舌头几乎发痛。

  • That is what gives the palpitating reality to our moral life and makes it tingle with so strange and elaborate an excitement .

    正是这一点赋予我们的精神生活以活生生的现实,并使它由于如此奇异而复杂的兴奋情绪而 生辉

  • The development of tingle and hot sausage


  • According to the designers the Frisson LEDs light up in the same way that the skin would tingle blush or shiver when blown on or stimulated .

    根据设计师的设计,当皮肤有 ,脸红,或者颤抖时候,灯光也会亮起来。

  • Kissing brings two people 's faces and bodies so close together and it can make them tingle all over .

    接吻能将两人的脸和身体 如此地亲近,使得他们一直都有一种 触电的麻痹

  • My conscience began to tingle .

    我的良心开始 感到 刺痛 w_279