tower top

[ˈtaʊɚ tɑp][ˈtauə tɔp]


  • Furthermore the effects of tower top pressure temperatures of tower top and bottom reflux ratio on product purity were analyzed .

    同时探讨了 塔顶压强、塔顶和塔釜温度、回流比变化对产品纯度的影响,获得了试验条件下的最佳操作条件。

  • Moreover the variations of cable stress and tower top displace are feather studied in the construction of Anqing Changjiang River Highway Bridge .

    并对安庆长江公路大桥施工中引起的索力和 塔顶位移的变化影响作了进一步的研究。

  • Under selected conditions the concentration of ethyl acetate in the raw ester at the tower top is over 91 percent and there is nearly no acid in it .

    在选择的实验条件下, 塔顶粗酯产品中乙酸乙酯含量 达到91%以上,基本不含酸。

  • The displacement at tower top insulator offset wire displacement reaction force and unbalanced tension increase with the increase of wind velocity .

    随着风速的增加, 塔顶位移、绝缘串偏移、导线位移、不平衡张力和支座反力力等均呈现增大趋势。

  • Acetic acid concentration of tower top was always very low .


  • At night the tower top would change colors in accordance with weather conditions : white represents good weather sunny or cloudy while purple represents bad weather rainy or snowy .

    夜间, 温度计 还会根据温度变化改变颜色:白色代表晴好天气或多云,紫色代表恶劣天气、雨天或雪天。

  • Cracking in Atmospheric Distillation Pipe of 304 # Stainless Steel Material at Atmospheric Column Tower Top

    常压塔 塔顶304不锈钢馏出线开裂分析

  • By the use of taking the quench tower of domestic some large ethylene unit as an example the finite element analysis on steam outlet pipe of tower top was conducted .

    我国近年还将建设多套大型乙烯装置,而不同专利商的 乙烯技术是有优劣 分的。

  • Analysis of Tower Top Displacement Control Values of Long-Span Suspension Bridge

    大跨悬索桥 塔顶位移控制值分析

  • To solve the problem about the coverage of SCDMA system in rural area using Tower Top Amplifier ( TTA ) is a perfect solution .

    为解决农村等地广人稀地区SCDMA系统通信覆盖问题,使用 塔顶放大器是一个很好的解决方案。

  • Design and application of tower top amplifier in SCDMA system

    SCDMA系统中 塔顶放大器的设计与应用

  • With increasing of initial concentration of acetic acid acetic acid concentration of tower top and bottom increased .

    进料中醋酸含量增加时, 塔顶釜醋酸浓度均随之增加。

  • Wind Vibration Control Analysis on Steel Tower Top of a Luoyang High-rise Building

    洛阳某高层建筑 顶部 钢塔风振控制分析

  • Manufacture and erection technology for the steel tower top segment of the third Nanjing Bridge

    南京三桥 钢塔 顶端节段的制作与安装技术

  • In the mechanism of circulating fluidized bed stabilizing tower top temperature is significant to improving efficiency of desulfurization .

    在烧结循环流化床烟气脱硫工艺中, 塔顶温度稳定控制对提高脱硫效率具有重要意义。

  • During construction of suspension cable tension the displacement of saddle on tower top is affected most obviously by tension in 1 / 4 midspan and 3 / 4 midspan .

    在张拉吊杆时, 塔顶鞍座位移受中跨跨径1/4跨和3/4跨处的吊杆张拉力影响最大。

  • Rectification operation must be kept under lower pressure ( or higher vacuum ) and the suitable operating temperature is ≤ 60 ℃ It is hard to condense tower top products with industrial ambient temperature cooling water .

    精馏操作压力必须保证在较低压力(或较高真空)条件下进行,适宜的操作温度≤60℃。用常温工业冷却水冷凝 塔顶产物有困难。

  • Measures are also taken at the tower top to prevent rainwater from massing .


  • The utility model relates to a high integrated general duplexer module for mobile communication duplex tower top amplifiers .

    一种用于移动通信双工 塔顶放大器的高集成化通用双工器模块。

  • As to the salt deposition which have formed in distillation tower top intermittent washing tower operation using a certain concentration of monoethanolamine or its aqueous solution can help to eliminate the salt deposit fast and effectively and to keep stable production .

    对于已经形成结盐的常压蒸馏 ,可以考虑采用注入一定浓度的单乙醇胺或其水溶液进行间歇性洗塔操作,快捷有效地消除结盐盐垢,恢复稳定生产。

  • The displacement of the cable tower top is so large that it should be strengthened .

    塔顶 水平位移过大,应予以加固。

  • In accordance with the problems existing in tower top control of the distillation column in butadiene plant the soft-sensing model is built and cascade inferential control loop is designed .

    针对丁二烯生产装置精馏塔 塔顶控制回路存在的问题,建立了软测量模型,并设计了串级推断控制回路。

  • Suggestions of reducing scum oil amount change injection place from the coking tower bottom steam injection line to the coking tower top main oil and steam line were proposed .

    提出减少浮渣油含量、将浮渣从焦炭塔底吹汽给水线注入改从焦炭 塔顶大油气线上注入等措施。

  • It is a very important structure of slewing tower crane which joins tower top and other top parts with the mast and it can revolve 360 ° about the center of the mast to lift the load .

    它下面连接 上部支承 帽、平衡臂等部件,可使塔式起重机(简称塔机)上部相对于塔身作360度自由回转,以完成各种起重作业要求,是塔机的重要结构系统。

  • This article introduces mainly the structural characters 、 its applying conditions and strength calculation etc. of the following lifting lugs ; 1.ring type lifting lug at tower top ;

    本文主要介绍了下列几种吊耳的结构特点、应用条件及强度计算等问题:1. 塔顶环式吊车;

  • The Deformation Monitoring for Main Tower Top by GPS in Suspension Bridge Construction

    悬索桥施工GPS 塔顶变形监测

  • In this paper the design points of petroleum chemical equipment such as tower top side and bottom piping manholes layout and the nozzle position are introduced briefly .

    本文对石油化工装置设计中 塔顶 侧面和 底管道的设计,人孔布置及管口方位的设计要点做简要介绍。

  • Reasons for Coking in the Tube Joined to the Main Oil Gas Piping Exit at Coke Tower Top and Countermeasures

    自航式浮式采油储油卸油油轮焦炭 塔顶大油气管线出口接管结焦原因及措施