touch off

[tʌtʃ ɔf][tʌtʃ ɔf]


  • A political meltdown in North Korea where an estimated 2.5m people starved to death in the 1990s would most likely touch off a humanitarian crisis with a flood of impoverished North Koreans pouring into China .

    朝鲜的政治灾难,极有可能 引发一场人道主义危机,导致大量贫困的朝鲜人如潮水般涌入中国。在上世纪90年代,估计有250万朝鲜人死于饥饿。

  • The touch sensor can give off signals to the NXT Brick when it makes contact with any material .

    触控感应器的按被触动的时候可以传送信号回到 NXT主机。

  • All the boxes fell down and the King who wanted to touch the moon fell off the high tower and died .

    所有的木箱散落一地,而这个想 月亮的国王也 高处跌下来摔死了。

  • Design two different tasks to implement the communication of CAN Bus and Ethernet specifically introduced how to divide tasks in multitask programming set tasks priority communication between tasks and event touch off .

    设计了两个独立运行的任务来完成CAN总线和以太网的双向数据通讯,详细介绍了在嵌入式多任务程序设计中任务的划分、任务优先级的设定、任务之间的通讯和事件 驱动主要内容。

  • This explosive needs to be handled very carefully ; the slightest jolt will touch it off .

    摆弄这种炸药要非常当心,稍有 震摇就会使它 爆炸

  • A high performance touch off circuit for big power SCR

    大功率可控硅高性能 触发电路

  • This is an article about black-whistle black foot-ball and injuring bears which touch off heated debates in the country .

    本文针对在我国各界引起重大反响的“黑哨”、“ 黑球”与“伤熊”行为进行了深入的刑法学思考。

  • For BTA cross zero touch off sine wave which is exported is integrity .

    由于双向可控硅过零 触发,所以其输出是不失真的完整正弦波;

  • A new pulse voltage setup is designed to touch off the pre-pulse which is able to work stably in very adverse electromagnetic environment and the security and reliability of the discharge setup is raised .

    设计制作了新的预脉冲 触发装置,提高了抗电磁干扰能力、安全性和可靠性。额定电压下,出口发生三相短路时,不会造成损坏。

  • The intention is to touch off the popular application of surface SH wave to industrial testing throughout the country and the development of new ultrasonic testing technique .

    希望对国内普及表面 SH波工业检测、开辟超声新技术起启发作用。

  • The frequent shifting of the communication nodes of InterPlaNetary backbone networks will touch off the dynamic change of the main networks ' topologic structure which can generate great impact on the network performance of the transmission protocol .


  • Using electron switch by BTA BTA at touch off cross zero thus deferent electron sine wave is intact .

    用双向晶闸管作为电子开关,双向晶 管过零 触发,因而输出的是完整的正弦波。

  • The core country which has agglomeration can levy an appropriate agglomeration rents on firms . It will not touch off outflow of capital to peripheral country .

    有经济集聚的核心国可以凭借经济集聚对所在企业征收一个适当的集聚租金,同时不会 触发资本外流到外围国。

  • Paradoxically reform measures meant to solidify China 's growth over the long term could also become the match that could touch off a conflagration .

    矛盾的是,旨在巩固中国长期经济增长的措施同时也可能 引发危机。

  • Touch off very profit-generating thinking to the thing that private investment runs a school : Educate it as a kind of industry can be commercial ;


  • The first issue that internationalization of population flow will touch off is the freedom of citizen migration .

    人员流动的国际化,面临的首要问题就是公民的 迁徙自由问题。

  • Some basic event can touch off an alarm firsthand and it can also be analyzed by Policy Script . After be analyzed it no only touch off an alarm but also can create a new event .

    基本事件本身就可以 触发告警,策略脚本分析基本事件以后既可以生成新的事件也可以触发告警。

  • This paper introduces the control system of a special-purpose high-power three phase rectification circuit which adopts the single passway phase control and EPROM form checking technology for the output of touch off pulses . The moving phase of pulses is controlled by the one-chip computer .

    介绍了一种专用的大功率三相全控整流电路的控制系统,该系统采用单通道相位控制,EPROM查表技术实现 触发脉冲输出,单片机控制脉冲的移相。

  • This financing way can not relieve the financing difficulty as much as expected and from a long-term point of view these nongovernmental banking institutions without necessary legal guarantee will easily touch off serious social issues .

    这种融资方式虽然在一定程度上对小微企业融资难起到了缓解作用,但是从长远来看,民间的这种非正规金融机构因缺乏必要的法律保障非常容易 引发严重的社会问题。

  • The slightest touch may set off the mine .

    轻轻一 就会 引起地雷爆炸。

  • Destination is not important the important thing is that journey can touch off your inner feeling or not .

    目的地本身并不重要,重要的是它是否能 触发内心的某种感受!

  • However the introduction of foreign banks itself can be a two-blade sword which serves for the economic development in the guest states and at the same time brings about challenges to the stability and safety of financial market . It could also touch off world-wide finance crisis .

    但是,引进外资银行本身也是一把双刃剑,它在有利于东道国经济发展的同时,也会给东道国金融市场的稳定和安全带来新的挑战,甚至可能 引发金融危机。

  • With the development of the project item instruction it plays more and more important role in the national economy . But lots of poverty risk from countryside resettles occur which easy touch off serious economical social and political issues .

    工程项目建设的不断发展,对国民经济日益章显出前所未有的重要性,但与此同时产生了大量面临贫困风险的农村移民,极易 引发严重的经济、社会和政治问题。

  • Although the capitalist world system is in powerful position all along its decline is inevitable and probably will touch off big upheaval .

    虽然资本主义世界体系一直处于强势地位,但其衰落势所必然,并有可能 引发大的动乱。

  • Some slight incident may touch off a major war .

    一件小事可以 触发一场大战。

  • Cookery writer Simon Hopkinson showed me how to make this dish in what turned out to be a masterclass in the gentle touch needed to peel off the membranes and then prepare and cook the brains .

    烹饪作家 西蒙•霍普金森(SimonHopkinson)向我展示了怎么做这道菜,剥 外面的薄膜然后处理烹制的过程需要非常细致的 手法,这让整个展示过程变成了一次大师课程。

  • His shooting touch was off ( 3 of12 ) but Yi still found ways to contribute including grabbing seven offensive rebounds .

    尽管 命中高(12投3中),但他依然有办法为球队做出贡献,他抓下7个进攻篮板。

  • Therefore tragedies on the one hand offer outlet for catharsis of peoples emotion and purification of the soul and on the other hand touch off peoples strong sense of life-force .

    故悲剧一方面能宣泄人的情绪,净化人的心灵,另一方面 触发人强烈的生命力感。

  • The software timely touch off thyristor and control thyristor trigger angle in controllable scope . Consequently the soft starter is better reliability stability and veracity .

    全数字电子软起动器的软件部分主要是如何根据需要准确及时的 触发晶闸管, 晶闸管的触发角控制在可控的范围内,从而提高了软起动器的可靠性、稳定性和准确性。