


  • People with prosperity or at least the prospect of it didn 't turn to totalitarianism they believed .

    他们认为,人民如果繁荣富足,或者至少有希望实现繁荣富足,就不会 支持 集权 主义

  • Meanwhile his theory of universal government moved towards national totalitarianism .

    同时,孙中山的政府万能论也走向了国家 集权 主义 道路

  • From Totalitarianism to Idealism : A Comparison of Three Concepts of Country by Hobbes Rousseau and Hegel

    专制 主义到理想主义&霍布斯、卢梭、黑格尔三种国家观之比较

  • That there is complicate dialectic relationship between right and power totalitarianism and individualism public sphere and private sphere ;

    权利与权力、 整体 主义与个体主义、公共领域与私人领域间存在复杂的辩证联系;

  • He is the author of among many other books The Fragile Absolute and Did Somebody Say Totalitarianism ?

    著有大量书籍,其中包括《易碎的绝对》以及《有没有人说过 集权 主义

  • After some time this division will rotate to check the party and state from the danger of bureaucratic capitalism and totalitarianism .

    一段时间后,他们会轮换,这样来防止官僚资本主义和 / 主义的危险。

  • They also decided that the basic character of the Southern Song regime characteristics - give up and insisted the Northern Song Dynasty Northern Han ethnic confrontation and has inherited the characteristics of totalitarianism .

    这些也决定了南宋政权的基本性格特点&放弃了北宋所坚持的与北方民族相对抗的汉族 主义,却继承了 集权 主义的特点。

  • During peace time some extremist and totalitarianism elements in the positive liberty should be abandoned but the responsibility and participation elements in the negative liberty should be affirmed in the political privation .

    在和平时期,积极自由中的某些过激和 集权的因素应被人们抛弃,但其中的负责和参与因素在政治私人化中需要肯定。

  • These documents were designed to limit and eliminate the vicious Equity Maritime or Admiralty Law which was what we revolted against as Our Revolution against the totalitarianism of England .

    上面提到的这些法律文件,旨在限制和淘汰我们极力反对的衡平法、商法或者海事法,正如我们的独立革命反抗英国的 专制 统治 一样

  • It was once widely believed that technology would be the handmaiden of totalitarianism enabling governments to tighten their power over the individual .

    人们曾普遍认为,技术将是 集权 主义的帮凶,使政府可以加紧对个人的控制。

  • AS an anti-liberal force it opts for totalitarianism in politics and national socialism in economics . Overriding all opposition he followed a Right-opportunist petty-bourgeois policy .

    它在政治上有 专制倾向,经济上表现为国家社会主义。他不顾一切反对,执行小资产阶级右倾机会主义政策。

  • As a result of the excessive concentration and power of governmental administrative rights the Five Rights could not reach a balance and it actually became a kind of totalitarianism system which concentrated on administrative rights .

    由于政府行政权力的过分集中和强大,五权不可能做到平衡,它实际成为以行政权为中心的一种 集权体制,这与 现代 法治 国家 自由 观念 截然对立的。

  • In his view even if positive liberty is not the direct basis of totalitarianism it also provides a theoretical excuse for totalitarianism .

    因为在他看来,积极自由即便不是 集权 主义的直接依据,也为集权主义提供了理论上的借口。

  • The democratic essence in Bolivar 's totalitarianism thought is mainly embodied in the hereditary senate and lifelong tenure system president .

    玻利瓦尔的 集权思想主要表现在他要求设立世袭参议院和终身总统上。