town father

[taʊn ˈfɑðɚ][taun ˈfɑ:ðə]

[法] 城镇官员,城镇土绅

  • Higher vocational students from town feel more parental emotional warmth understanding and his father overprotection And from the countryside than from the town of higher vocational students of higher vocational students are more subject to mother refuse denial and mother and severe punishment .

    来自 城镇的高职生能更多的感受到父母亲情感温暖、理解和 父亲过度保护;而来自农村的高职生比来自城镇的高职生则更多的承受母亲拒绝、否认和母亲惩罚、严厉。

  • John Updike ( 1932-2009 ) is contemporary American literary master he was born in Pennsylvania reading town his father was the teacher of middle school in the town his mother loved art often carries on the creation .

    约翰·厄普代克(1932-2009)是美国当代文学大师,他出生于宾夕法尼亚州里丁 父亲是镇上的中学老师,母亲热爱艺术,经常进行创作。

  • When she was a little more herself again I told her the outcome of my journey to town . I showed her my father 's letter and observed that some good might very well come of it .

    等她稍许平静了一些后,我把这次 奔波的结果告诉了她,又把 父亲的信给她看,要她注意,根据信 所说,我们可以想得乐观一些。

  • Here is Squires of the Boar present known and respected in this town and here is William which his father 's name was Potkins if I do not deceive myself .

    看这里有蓝野猪饭店的老板,他是这个 的知名人士,很受人尊敬,还有,威廉也在这里,如果我记忆力不坏的话,他的 姓是鲍特金。

  • He left me and went to town with my father .

    他和我的 父亲留下了我而且去 城镇

  • His father was a doctor and much of his childhood Cervantes spent moving from town to town while his father sought work .

    童年时代老是搬家,从一个镇到另一个 父亲则随时寻找工作。

  • I shall never go away from you into the town to work like father .

    我将永不同 爸爸那样,离开你到 城里去作事。

  • Xiao Zheng is used to lying about the town which makes his father angry .

    肖征习惯于在 城里无所事事,这使得他的 父亲很恼火。

  • Before long the Red Cross began to pitch tents on high ground north of town . We are staying right here my father said .

    不久,红十字会开始在 小镇北面的高地上架设帐篷。我们就呆在家里, 爸爸说。

  • As it was a small town they all knew that she and her father had a tight bond from all the summers they worked together as locksmiths .

    城镇很小,人们都知道她和她 父亲关系密切,因为一到夏天他们就一起做锁匠活儿。

  • We have to find the town father Brennan mentioned .

    我们必须找到布伦南 神父提到的 那个

  • Braille was born in1809in a small town in France where his father had a small leather-making shop .

    布莱叶1809年出生于法国的一个 小镇,他 父亲在那里开了一间小的制革作坊。

  • There was hardly a house in town that had not sent away a son a brother a father a lover a husband to this battle .

    全城几乎找不出一个家庭没有送亲人在此战役中作战,有的是儿子,有的是兄弟,是 父亲,是恋人,是丈夫。

  • He was from a small town in Idaho and farmed with his father .

    他来自爱达荷州的一个 小镇,和他 父亲一起经营农场。