total flow

[ˈtotl flo][ˈtəutəl fləu]


  • The design method minimizes the total flow of a cascade by changing the key relative molecular mass together with the stage number .

    得到一种通过调整关键相对分子质量和级联的级数以得到 流量较小级联的解析计算方法。

  • Just as with the parallel water pumps the currents form these parallel generators will add together to make a total flow of100 amperes .

    正犹如并联的抽水机同样,这些个并联的发机电所孕育发生的电流将加在一路,以构成100安培的 电流

  • Discharge Combination Analysis of Subsurface Drain Pipe System The optimization goal is to get the best benefits through the optimization allotment of total flow to different pumping station .

    暗管排水流量组成分析优化运行的目标,是根据不同泵站、各泵装置之间的运行特性和水雨情对排水 流量的要求,通过对 流量的最优分配,达到效益最好的目的。

  • Boiler is set up the entire flue flow resistance calculation model is established based on the consideration of perturbations in the flue total flow resistance model .

    建立了锅炉整个烟道流动阻力数学模型,在此基础上建立考虑了扰动的烟道 流动阻力模型。

  • The influence of six variant on the interface radius including the rotation speed the flow ratio ( O / A ) the diameter of heavy phase weir the total flow rate the density and the viscosity were systematically studied .

    系统研究了转速、流比、重相堰直径、 流量、两相密度差和粘度6个参数对环隙式离心萃取器界面半径的影响。

  • The total flow chart of iron and steel industry was introduced with emphasis on usage of motors .

    介绍了钢铁工业的 整体 流程,并说明了其中电动机的使用情况。

  • A simulation of the whole process is made obtaining the pressure temperature enthalpy and entropy at each nodal point the vapour liquid two phase flow rate the total flow rate and the vapour liquid two phase molal fraction .

    并进行了全流程的模拟,得到了流程各节点压力、温度、焓、熵、气液两相流量、 流量、气液两相摩尔分率;

  • Microcrystalline silicon thin films by high-speed preparation have a thick incubation layer . The vertical structure of thin films were studied by using step-by-step deposition of silane concentration based on the two-factor phase diagram of silane concentration versus gas total flow . 4 .

    高速制备的微晶硅薄膜有较厚的孵化层,在硅烷浓度和气体 流量双因素优化相图的基础上,采用硅烷浓度分步沉积法对薄膜纵向结构均匀性进行了研究。

  • To theoretically justify the effective thermodynamical conditions of the hybrid system the concepts of critical relative inner efficiency of total flow engine and critical dryness of heat sources are proposed .

    提出了临界 机内效率、临界干度等概念,从理论上确定了复合系统的存在条件。

  • The oil / water flow rates can be converted into total flow rate zone in which the water holdup is determined in combination with the slip model and then the holdup of the zones interpreted can be obtained .

    该方法首先利用转换到 流量层的油水流量,结合滑脱速度模型,求出相应的持水率值,然后再确定其他各解释层的持水率值。

  • The test data of generator pressure distribution at each wind zone and fan total flow are compared with the calculation values .

    将发电机内各风区的风压分布与风扇的 流量试验数据与理论计算结果进行比较。

  • There is improvement as compared with the method of total flow which only gives the average velocity of transverse profile of open channel .


  • For seven co-swirling and counter-swirling combustors intensive thermoacoustic oscillation is observed during the test with changing the equivalence ratio and total flow rate respectively and the processes of oscillation start oscillation saturation and oscillation elimination are similar .

    对于七旋流的同向和反向旋流燃烧室,在当量比变化和 流量变化的测试过程中都产生强烈的热声振荡,热声振荡的起振、饱和和消振过程基本相似。

  • One approach consists of varying only the total flow thereby maintaining the same thrust chamber hardware .

    有一种方法是仅改变推进剂 流量,而推力室结构保持不变。

  • In process parameters the total flow flux and flow flux ratio are the decisive factors for the change of interfacial location .

    在挤出工艺参数中, 入口流量和流量比是导致共挤出界面位置变化的决定性因素。

  • Thermodynamic analysis of hot water total flow power generation system for wasteheat recovery

    低温余热 热水发电系统的热力分析

  • The Total Flow Dilution System for Engine Particle Emission Measurement

    发动机颗粒排放 稀释系统设计

  • Measure of the effective optical path of QN-1 total flow extinction type smoke meter developed recently is described in detail .

    对近期所研制的QN-1型 消光式烟度计有效光路的测定进行了较为详细的叙述。

  • In optimization design the total flow loss can be reduced in a great extent by reasonably adjusting these parameters . On such basis this paper brings forward the concept of combination optimization parameter group of local optimization .

    在优化设计时,合理调整这些参数能够较大幅度地降低 流动损失,在此基础上,本文提出了局部优化的组合优化参数群的概念。

  • Total flow system and the conventional flash steam system which shows that the two-stage TFE-TUR hybrid system may well be expected to be a geothermal power generating system with the highest exergy efficiency .

    同时,还将该系统与单级复合系统、 系统及常规闪蒸系统作了比较,表明该系统可望成为(火用)效率最高的地热发电系统。

  • This paper describes the design of a total flow dilution system for the engine particle emission measurement . This system meets the requirement of vehicle engine emission measurement .

    本文设计了一种发动机排放测量 稀释系统,可以满足车用发动机排放测量需要。

  • The current from these parallel generators will add up to make a total flow of 500 amperes .

    这些并联的发电机所产生的电流累计在一起, 电流达到500安培。

  • Total Flow Control Solutions .


  • Each of the sway of a summer rain outside the window the window the total flow of ethereal miss me .

    每一场窗外夏雨的飘摇,窗 流淌着我思念的飘渺。

  • Experimental Study on the Effective Optical Path of QN-1 Total Flow Extinction Type Smoke Meter

    QN-1型 消光式烟度计有效光路的试验研究

  • In course of the energy flow the proportion of total flow originating from detritus is 48 % and from primary producer is 52 % .

    在能量流动过程中,直接来源于碎屑的比例占 流量的48%,而直接来源于初级生产者的比例为52%。

  • By changing the physical parameters such as discharge power per area voltage frequency and discharge gap and technical parameters such as total flow volume ratio and reactor temperature we study how these parameters affect methane and carbon dioxide plasma synthesis .

    通过改变单位面积放电功率、放电频率、放电间隙等物理参数和气体的 流量、体积比、温度等工艺参数,考察其对甲烷二氧化碳等离子体合成反应的影响规律。

  • Optimized the flow pattern by adjusting the size distribution of the catalyst and the total flow rate of the gas and determined the optimal parameters of the fluided-bed .

    通过调节催化剂的粒径分布和反应气体的 流量进行流化床的流态优化。