touching the bottom

[ˈtʌtʃɪŋ ði ˈbɑtəm][ˈtʌtʃɪŋ ðə ˈbɔtəm]

[经] 达到最低点, 查核事实

  • The mechanical state of shaft lining filled part of water when its pan touching the base rock of shaft bottom was analyzed .

    分析了泥浆中的井壁 在加入 重水(非满水)后井壁 接触岩石时的受力状态;

  • To make this sound the jaw drops just a bit and the tongue rests in the bottom of the mouth with the tip of the tongue touching the bottom teeth in the back .

    发这个音时,下巴只需略微下移,舌头放在口腔下部,舌尖 轻触 下排牙齿的后面。

  • Touching the bottom of my heart that arouse .

    唤起 心底 缠绵