total storage capacity


  • The main conclusion of this study is as below : ( 1 ) To the total sample compatibility 、 personal customization 、 image-building 、 storage capacity and subjective norm have direct impacts on consumers ' perceived value .

    样本群来说,产品特点中的相容性、个性化定制、易存 、形象性以及主观规范对消费者的效用价值和娱乐价值都具有正面影响。

  • Using water retention the total colonies number and sensory evaluation as index the results show that : rapid cooling and cold Eviscerate combination process storage loss and cooking loss were minimums illustrate this process can improve the water holding capacity of chilled meat .

    结果表明:快速冷却与冷 剔骨结合工艺冷却肉的 贮藏损失、蒸煮损失最低,说明此工艺能提高冷却肉的 水性。

  • The total cost includes the ordering cost storage cost and back-order loss in the storage management which under the condition of limited warehouse capacity .

    在仓库 容量有限条件下存贮管理中, 损失费用主要包括订货费、 存贮费和缺货损失费。

  • This experiment showed that reasonable retroposition of N-fertilizer or reasonable distribution of N-fertilizer in different growth period could increase some yield components including total grain number per spike and filled grain number and so on thus increased the storage capacity of super rice . 2 .

    试验表明:氮肥后移以及氮肥在水稻不同生育期的合理分配能增加每穗 粒数和实粒数等产量构成因子,从而促进超级杂交水稻 容量的增大。

  • The total is well known that the level of collection and storage capacity directly reflects the performance of the digital oscilloscope .

    所周知,采集能力和 存储 能力的高低直接体现了数字示波器的性能。

  • Large scale storage systems have increased total cost of data center while providing great storage capacity and performance .

    大规模存储系统在提供海量 存储 空间 高速 访问速度的同时也带来了大量的能耗,增加了数据中心的 成本

  • Human society has entered information age where the total amount of information increases exponentially . The contradiction of storage system performance capacity and cost become increasingly prominent .

    人类已迈入一个信息以几何级数增长的时代, 存储系统的要求不断提高, 存储系统中性能、 容量、与成本之间的矛盾日益突出。

  • Then the paper chooses the percentage of flood storage capacity and total capacity of reservoir and the ratio of flood storage capacity to the feature volume of reservoir as judgement indexes of peak control ;

    通过研究,将水库的调洪 库容库容的百分比和防洪库容与特征洪量的比值作为峰量控制类型的判断指标。

  • Total storage capacity of an indoor hydrogen system should BE limited to3000cubic feet or less .

    室内氢系统的 全部 储存 应限制在3000立方英尺或更少。