tone deafness

[toʊn ˈdɛfnɪs][təun ˈdefnɪs]

[医] 音乐聋,感觉性乐歌不能

  • Objective : To analyse the relationship of distortion product otoacoustic emissions ( DPOAE ) conventional pure tone audiometry and expanded high frequency audiometry and discuss the originated mechanism of DPOAE and value in early diagnosis and detection noise induced deafness .

    目的:分析畸变产物耳声发射(DPOAE)和常 纯音测听、扩展高频测听的关系,借以探讨 DPOAE的产生机制以及在噪声 听力损伤的监测和早期诊断中的应用价值。

  • Tone recognition in post-lingual deafened Nucleus cochlear recipients Pure word deafness

    语后 Nucleus人工耳蜗使用者的 声调识别

  • Manifestation of Pure Tone Hearing of Sudden Deafness With And Without Vertigo

    有眩晕及无眩晕突 纯音听力表现