




  • Many infants do not cut their first tooth until they are a year old .


  • She had very pretty straight teeth

    她有一口漂亮整齐的 牙齿

  • Unions pledged to fight any compulsory redundancies ' tooth and nail ' .

    工会许诺会“ 竭尽所能地”阻止任何强制裁员。

  • I got an abscess so he took the tooth out

    我牙龈脓肿,所以他就把那 颗牙 拔掉了。

  • I lost a tooth while chomping on a French baguette !

    我啃法棍面包时,崩掉了一 颗牙

  • The front cog has 44 teeth .

    前齿轮有44个 齿

  • Their voices set your teeth on edge .

    他们的声音让你 浑身不舒服。

  • This role gave her something to get her teeth into

    这一角色让她 情投入其中。

  • Which tooth pains you ?

    你哪一 牙齿痛?

  • A tooth which has been hit hard may discolour

    受过重击的 牙齿可能会变色。

  • My tooth is paining . ; I have a toothache . ; My tooth aches .


  • She cried out with pain when the dentist pulled her tooth out .

    牙医 拔牙时她痛得喊叫起来。

  • The law must have teeth and it must be enforced .

    法律必须拥有 效力,而且必须强制实施。

  • I was battling my way along the promenade in the teeth of a force ten gale


  • She is to go and have a tooth extracted at 3 o'clock today .

    她今天3点要去拔 颗牙

  • I have a loose tooth .

    我的一个 牙齿松动了。

  • The opposition argues that the new council will be unconstitutional and without teeth

    反对派争辩说新委员会不但违反宪法,而且没有 效力

  • He cut his teeth in the sixties as director of Edinburgh 's Traverse Theatre .

    他60年代刚出道时在爱丁堡 特拉弗斯剧院担任导演。

  • A dentist may decide to extract the tooth to prevent recurrent trouble

    牙医可能会决定拔掉那 颗牙,以免反复发作。

  • The blow chipped the woman 's tooth

    那一击把那个女人的一 颗牙打掉了一块。

  • They have to get involved and get their teeth into some police work .

    他们必须参与进来, 全力投入到一些警务工作中。

  • Add more honey if you have a sweet tooth .

    如果你喜欢吃 的就多加点蜂蜜。

  • It is almost impossible to find a dentist who will fill a tooth on the National Health .

    几乎不可能找到一位愿意接受国民医疗保健来 补牙的医师。

  • Both sides were armed to the teeth .

    双方都 全副武装。

  • In the teeth of the longest recession since the 1930s the company continues to perform well .

    尽管 面对20世纪30年代以来持续时间最长的经济衰退,这家公司却一直经营良好。

  • He fought tooth and nail to keep his job


  • Deposits of plaque build up between the tooth and the gum .


  • Aren 't I a bit long in the tooth to start being an undergraduate ?

    我现在才去读大学 本科不是有点太老了吗?