tooth extraction

[tuθ ɪkˈstrækʃən][tu:θ ɪkˈstrækʃən]


  • Objective To compare the patient 's compliance to different kinds of instructions from the oral surgeon after tooth extraction .

    目的探讨口腔颌面外科门诊患者对3种方式的 拔牙 后医嘱的依从性。

  • Clinical research on guided bong tissue regeneration to prevent wisdom tooth extraction complications The Application of GBR in Immediate Implant

    引导骨组织再生术预防 智齿 拔除并发症的临床研究引导骨再生在人工牙骨内即刻种植中的应用

  • A multiple factor analysis on the safety of tooth extraction for aged people

    影响老龄患者 拔牙安全性的多因素分析

  • Objective To investigate methods of treating anterior maxillary teeth protrusion by tooth extraction and changes of the occluding relation and lateral appearances before and after the treatment .

    目的探讨上颌牙齿前突 拔牙 矫治的方法及矫治前后的牙牙合关系与侧貌变化。

  • The effect of BMP on the wound healing of tooth extraction following bFGF application

    bFGF对 拔牙创内源性BMP含量及分布的影响

  • Effect of simvastatin on residual ridge resorption after tooth extraction

    聚乳酸-羟基乙酸-辛伐他汀对 拔牙 后剩余牙槽嵴吸收影响的实验研究

  • Conclusion 5 % Sodium morrhuate can shorten bleeding time for the patients with tooth extraction .

    结论5%鱼肝油酸钠可促进 拔牙创止血。

  • Conclusion The method of treating anterior maxillary teeth protrusion by tooth extraction could decrease maxillary dental arch help conform the form of soft tissues and hard tissues .

    结论上颌 牙齿前突 减数矫治,有助于上颌和上牙弓的突度减小,使软硬组织面型之间的形态结构一致,特别对上牙弓突度的改善是肯定而持续的。

  • Clinical Investigation of Using Oral Tissue Patch and Platelet-rich Plasma ( PRP ) after Tooth Extraction Nursing cooperation in surgical procedure of glossectomy and repair with acellular dermal matrix

    口腔组织补片和富血小板血浆处理 拔牙创的临床研究舌癌切除术中应用口腔组织补片修复口腔黏膜缺损的护理配合

  • For some even a tooth extraction would be unthinkable without them .

    对一些人来说,即使 牙齿都不能不上麻药。

  • The comparative study of the ultra-light anaesthesia between N_2O inhalation and propofol intravenous in tooth extraction

    氧化亚氮吸入和异丙酚静脉超浅麻醉在 拔牙 应用中的比较

  • Investigation and Analysis of Fear Extent Toward Tooth Extraction in Children

    关于少年儿童 拔牙 患者畏惧程度的问卷调查和分析

  • Patients of control group were only given conventional nursing of tooth extraction .

    对照组只采用常规 拔牙护理。

  • Insertion of dental implants can change the process of bone healing for tooth extraction wound thus can decrease the resorption of alveolar bone . 2 .

    结论:1、种植体的植入能改变 拔牙创骨愈合的进程,从而有效地延缓了牙槽嵴的吸收。

  • Conclusion : Oral tissue patch can promote the healing of sockets after tooth extraction .

    结论:口腔组织补片可以有效促进 牙槽窝的早期愈合。

  • Study on Informed Consent of Signing Document in Tooth Extraction ; A little learning is a dangerous thing but a lot of ignorance is just as bad . & Bob Edwards


  • Three-dimensional finite element analysis of two anchorage types in closing the space following tooth extraction in maxilla

    三维有限元方法比较二种支抗形式关闭上颌 拔牙间隙

  • Provide experimental basis for clinical selection of appropriate tooth extraction method and aid in the development of minimally invasive treatment of the alveolar surgery .

    为临床针对性地选择合适的 拔牙方法并发展牙槽外科微创治疗提供实验依据。

  • Conclusion The aging is not the main reason of tooth extraction accidental .

    结论高龄不是造成老年 患者 拔牙意外的主要原因。

  • The clinical application of methylprednisolone in mandibular wisdom tooth extraction

    强的松在下颌阻生 智齿 拔除术中的临床应用

  • Clinical research on guided bong tissue regeneration to prevent wisdom tooth extraction complications

    下颌复杂阻生智齿拔除手术并发症的药物控制引导骨组织再生术预防 智齿 拔除并发症的临床研究

  • Haemocoagulase Atrox during Tooth Extraction in Patients with Anticoagulation Therapy

    注射用血凝酶在抗凝血治疗患者 拔牙术中的应用

  • S & 100 was a good hemostasis material for the hypertension patients who got tooth extraction .

    结论高血压患者 拔牙后止血时间明显长于非高血压患者,而S&100是一种良好的止血材料,对高血压患者的 拔牙创具有良好的止血作用。

  • AIM : To investigate the protective effect of basic fibroblast growth factor ( bFGF ) on dry socket after mandibular impacted tooth extraction .

    目的:研究下颌阻 生齿 拔除后应用碱性成纤维细胞生长因子(bFGF)对拔牙后干槽症 发病的预防作用。

  • Effects of tooth extraction on dental arch width and alveolar bone width

    拔牙 矫治对牙弓宽度及基骨宽度的影响

  • Objective To provide a basis for prevention and treatment of hemorrhage after tooth extraction operation .

    目的通过分析 拔牙后出血的原因,为 拔牙后出血的预防和治疗提供依据。

  • Objective : To evaluate the hemostatic effect of S-105 antiphlogistic hemostatic net ( AHN ) during tooth extraction .

    目的:评价S-105消炎性止血网在 拔牙创止血中的效果。

  • The effect after a tooth extraction from good to poor : filling nano-HA iodoform gelatin sponge suture oppression simply to stop bleeding .

    拔牙后牙槽窝的 处理效果由好至差依次为:充填nano-HA,碘仿明胶海绵、缝合,单纯压迫止血。

  • Method Analyse hemorrhage reason after tooth extraction operation summarize the measure of prevention and treatment .

    方法分析 拔牙后出血的病因,总结其治疗方法和预防措施。

  • The result of comparison between LA and GA in patients with tooth extraction showed that the fluctuation of HR and BP were related with the psychological factors .

    全麻和 局麻患者术中血压变化的比较结果表明心率和血压的波动与患者的心理因素相关。