tool subject

[tul ˈsʌbdʒekt][tu:l ˈsʌbdʒikt]


  • Tool and Subject : Further Research on the Inspirational Teaching and the Dialogue Teaching

    工具 主体&启发式教学与对话教学探究

  • As a tool the filling analysis is subject to the user 's accurate cognition and judgement to the analysis and simulation result .

    充模分析作为一种 工具取决于使用者对分析模拟结果的正确认识和判断。

  • Our school also can use it as a teaching tool for the Chinese language subject .

    我们的学校也可以用它来作为华文 语文的教 工具

  • Finally while NetMeeting is a great tool it is subject to capacity problems since it is utilizing your local desktop machine to do all the relaying of information to the other participants .

    最后,虽然 NetMeeting是个很棒的 工具,但是它会有容量上的问题,因为它使用你本地的电脑来将所有的信息发送给其他与会者。

  • To detect 3D subsurface Vs structure of engineering site by observing microtremors must be a powerful tool for development in this subject of Earth Science .

    利用地脉动观测推断工程场地近地表三维速度结构,会为地球科学这一 分支的发展提供有力的 技术 手段

  • To improve road safety reduce and prevent traffic accidents the studies of people-vehicles-road environment coordination become an important issue . With the good features such as convenient and economic operation vehicle driving simulator becomes an important tool to study the subject .

    为提高道路交通安全性,减少和预防交通事故,人-车-路环境协调性的研究成为重要的课题,而汽车驾驶模拟器成为研究该 课题的重要 工具

  • Moral internalization scheme is a tool the subject uses to process the moral in formational stimuli . Structural Elements of Journalistic Ethics and an Pattern Analysis of the Relationship between the Subject and Object

    道德内化图式是 主体 接受、过滤、筛选外部客观道德信息刺激的 工具。新闻道德结构要素及主客体关系模式分析

  • Since modern industrial times human langue has been becoming a utilitarianism tool subject to the technical senses .

    由于近代工业社会的发展,在技术理性的束缚 ,人类语言日益成为了功利指向的 工具

  • Chinese is interpreted as a tool subject in HK Taiwan and some foreign countries .

    香港、台湾及国外的语文 教育 主要将语文视为 工具学科

  • As a basic and important concept of commercial law it is a principal tool of explaining the meaning of commercial subject and commercial act ;

    作为商法上的重要基础概念,它是揭示商 主体和商行为含义的重要 工具

  • With the wires running along the outside of the tool the plastic insulation is subject to wear .

    由于电线是沿 仪器外部绑定的,所以塑料绝缘层很 容易磨损。

  • Mathematics as a basic and tool subject plays an very important part in modern culture so it is especially important to train students ' creative thoughts in math teaching .

    在全面提高学生素质的过程中,数学即作为基础课又是 工具 ,而有在现代文化中有重要的地位,故在教学过程中培养学生的创新思维尤为重要。

  • The form is suited to psychology of student learning and basic spirit of Chinese teaching as a tool subject .

    这种形式是适应学生学习心理与语文学科作为 工具学科的基本精神的。

  • In this case religious or other beliefs always are used as a means or tool by virtue of becoming the subject .

    在这种情况下,宗教或其它信仰总被当作一种手段或者 工具,沦为 主体的凭借。

  • XPath is a very powerful tool and can be the subject of an entire series of articles including some listed in Resources .

    XPath是一个非常强大的 工具,可以将它作为整个文章系列的 主题(请参阅参考资料中列示的部分文章)。

  • The knowledge map is a visual intelligent management tool that can link the subject of knowledge management activity which is all kinds of information resources with the relations between them to set up a knowledge linking and forms a dynamic knowledge network .

    知识地图是一种可视化的智能管理 工具,可以将知识管理活动中的 主体即各种信息资源及其之间的关系链接起来,从而形成一种动态化的知识网络。

  • This paper introduces the structure working principle and operating procedure of the tool . Subject heading

    文中 详细介绍了该 工具的结构、原理以及操作过程

  • In the media age with transformation from tool reasonableness to functional subject the media are deconstructing as well as constructing literature and have become a original point of constructing modern and postmodern literature .

    在媒介时代,从 工具理性向功能 主体转换的媒介,在消解文学的同时更在建构文学,成了重构现代与后现代文学的原点。

  • Nowadays with the rapid development of knowledge economy and information mathematics a basic tool subject in science and technology its importance is becoming more and more obvious .

    数学,做为一门科学与技术的基础和 工具 学科 之一,在今日飞速发展的知识经济和信息时代,其重要性已愈加突出。

  • The design and development of machine tool course design subject warehouse

    刀具课程设计 库的设计与开发

  • The development of society needed maths and maths had become acritical tool of social practice and a key subject of mass education as wellas life-long education .

    社会的发展需要数学,数学已成为社会实践的重要 工具,成为大众教育、终身教育的重要 学科

  • Good distance learning programs are characterized by the inclusion of a subject evaluation tool with every subject .

    良好的远程教育计划以每一 科目都具有课程评估 方法为特征。

  • SMEs offer expertise in a particular tool or subject area .

    科目专家提供关于特定 工具 科目领域的专业知识。

  • A menu-driven media tool for easy orientation on the subject and for a wide range of applications has been developed for a variety of potential users .

    为了方便查找 主题和供大家广泛应用,光盘提供了由菜单驱动的媒体 工具

  • As Chinese is a fundmental tool subject teaching methods to it become predominant especially .

    语文作为基础 工具 学科,其教学方法尤为重要。

  • Granular Computing as a new mathematical tool is a new emerging subject of artificial intelligence .

    粒计算是人工智能领域新兴起的一 学科,是一种新的数学 工具

  • English as a tool subject whose functions has been recognized by more and more people is being focused on very much especially in Senior High .

    英语,作为一门 工具 学科,它的作用为越来越多的人所认同,也被更多的人所关注。

  • Parallel machine tool is a synthetical subject . It involves many science fields such as mechanism electron autocontrol computer sensor .

    并联 机床是一门多 学科综合的 方向,它涉及机械、电子、自动控制、计算机、传感器等多学科领域。

  • The computer will be a tool of the students to study other subject in the last one or two years of primary school and middle school phase .

    在小学高年级和中学阶段,计算机将是学生学习其它 课程 工具