to top it all

[tu tɑp ɪt ɔl][tu: tɔp it ɔ:l]

更有甚者, 更奇怪的是, 更糟糕的是

  • You have too much on your plate deadlines are looming people are counting on you and to top it all off you still have holiday shopping to do .

    你有太多事要操心,最后期限迫在眉睫,别人还都指望着你, 糟糕 ,你假期还要血拼购物呢。

  • The Chinese posters are obviously trying to compete to be on top but they know it 's best for us all to get along .

    中国人确实很想在竞争中取得 第一,然而他们知道 民族和睦相处 是最好的情况。

  • Narrowing the best dramas of the decade down to just a top ten or even a second ten was a tough task but it provided a chance to reminisce on some of the best shows of all time .

    把近十年的最佳电视剧的数量缩减 十名,甚至是前二十名的范围都不是件容易的事,但 使我们有机会对有 以来的最佳电视剧进行回味。

  • To top it off the Malays are specifically guaranteed all these by the powerful Article 152 in the Singapore Constitution .

    这些在国家宪法的第 152条有明文规定。

  • George is a very good listener he 's easy to be around and on top of it all he 's a loving father whose daughters absolutely adore him .

    乔治很善于 聆听平易近人总之,他在女儿的眼中是一个绝对可爱的父亲。

  • Results The total successful rate was 97.1 % ( 34 / 35 ) . The simulant IVU performed with CT scanogram was succeeded in all five patients . Conclusion It is feasible to successively perform CT scanning and IVU with only a single administration of contrast .

    结果通过一次给药先后完成CT增强扫描及IVU检查,总成功率达97.1%( 34/35), 其中在CT 上通过 定位 TOP 的方式模拟进行IVU检查,成功率达100%( 5/5)。

  • And to top it all off Saddam Hussein like Usama bin Laden is still on the loose !

    令人不安的 萨达姆,他和拉登一样,至今仍未归案。

  • To top it all I lost my job .


  • The garage was full to the top with all the snow from the path and his car was somewhere under it all !

    车库里竟然 堆满了来自小路 的积雪,而他的车 下面的某个地方!

  • And to top it all off 85 % yes85 % of all the valentine propaganda is purchased by women !

    85%的情人节消费者品 被女性购买的!

  • HEC Paris returns to the top position it lost last year thanks to a very strong performance across all the FT rankings .

    由于在英国《金融时报》 所有商学院排名中表现杰出,法国巴黎高等商学院重新夺回 去年丢掉的 冠军宝座。

  • And to top it all off the game simply looks amazing .


  • To top it all off one of the catering staff managed to slice their finger cutting cheese .

    一切还嫌不够,一个 承办 酒席的服务人员竟然在切奶酪时割伤了手指。

  • Where to put the column – that is to keep it on the top row wrap it to the second row or hide it all together .

    将列放在哪里–也就是说, 它放在 第一行,使 层叠到下一行,还是 全部隐藏。

  • We need to decide everything plan out our lives experience everything get to the top find true love figure out our lifes purpose and do it all at the same time .

    我们需要为所有事作出决定,进行人生规划,体验所有的事情, 达到 顶峰,找到真爱,发现我们人生的目标, 所有 同时完成。

  • And now to top it all there is an economic crisis .

    而目前, 重要 ,该国爆发了经济危机。

  • Market economy day by day complicated to make individual top manager possessed professional knowledge and technical ability can not guarantee it finish enterprise manage course All complicated task that face top management team become modern enterprise manage and an important operational mode of management already .

    市场经济的日益复杂使得单个 高层管理人员所具备的专业知识和技能并不能保证 完成企业经营过程中面临的 所有复杂任务,高管团队已经成为了现代企业经营和管理的一个重要运行模式。

  • She had become in the popular Western view the symbol of Chinese resistance : brave articulate and to top it all elegant .

    在大多西方人眼中,她成为中国反抗精神的象征:勇敢、善于表达, 重要 端庄优雅。

  • It just wasn 't my day ; the car wouldn 't start I was late for the meeting and to top it all I laddered my tights !

    那真是不顺心的日子:汽车发动不起来,我开会迟到,更 糟糕 ,我的紧身 抽丝了。

  • I thought back to those plaintive cliff top exhortations Just come here and realise your dreams and wondered what Teresa Teng would make of it all .

    我又想起悬崖上 喇叭里的那些充满哀伤语气的劝词: 我们这边来,你会梦想成真,不知邓丽君再世,会如何理解 一切