

[医] 毒,毒素,毒物弓

  • Method Indirect hemagglutination assay ( IHA ) was employed to detection of Toxo - plasma antibody levels in human serum samples .

    方法微量间接血凝法检测人体血清 弓形 抗体水平。

  • The detection of serum CBV - IgM TOXO - IgM RU - IgM and CMV - IgM antibodies can be used as the early pathogenic detection of the related diseases .

    血清中CBV-IgM、 TOXO-IgMRU-IgMCMV-IgM抗体的检测可作为有关疾病的早期病原学检测指标。

  • Development of the reagent to diagnose TOXO - IgM

    弓形 -IgM诊断试剂的研制