to the disadvantage of

[tu ði ˌdɪsədˈvæntɪdʒ ʌv][tu: ðə ˌdisədˈvɑ:ntidʒ ɔv]


  • Analyzes the Web application system architecture according to the disadvantage of current Web system architecture . proposes and analyzes Web application system architecture based on distributed object technology integrating distributed object technology .

    对Web应用体系结构进行了分析,并 针对目前的Web体系结构 弊端,结合分布式对象技术,提出并分析了基于分布式对象的Web应用体系结构。

  • According to the disadvantage of the information technology being applied in Group we bring forward an idea of Information Grid based on Web Service to integrate information resources and computing resources of group .

    根据集团企业信息技术应用中 存在的部分 问题,借鉴网格技术,提出了一种基于WEBService的信息资源集成整合的应用模型。

  • With regard to the disadvantage of conventional random phase mapping scheme an improved scheme is proposed . Theoretical analysis demonstrates that the improved scheme can enhance randomicity and LPI of TDCS signals and thereby improves the system performance .

    针对传统随机相位映射方案 不足,提出了一种改进的随机相位映射方案,理论分析表明,该方案增强了TDCS信号的随机性和LPI性能,从而有利于提高TDCS系统性能。

  • Firstly the thesis introduces the research actuality and related technique ; and then according to the disadvantage of the Chinese summarization abstract algorithm which based on the combined of statistic and semantic proposed a improved abstraction algorithm .

    本文首先介绍摘要抽取的研究现状及相关技术;然后 针对统计和语义相结合类型的中文摘要抽取算法 存在 不足,提出一种改进的摘要抽取算法。

  • After analyzing and studying the improved algorithm based on Apriori on association rule mining according to the disadvantage of Apriori algorithm the paper presents an improved strategy to optimize the Apriori algorithm .

    在对关联规则挖掘中基于Apriori算法的改进算法进行深入分析和研究后,本文 根据Apriori算法 不足,提出了一种改进策略,从而得到一种优化的Apriori算法。

  • In allusion to the disadvantage of current accountant simulation experimental teaching combined with the demand situation of enterprises to accountant talent this paper particularly expounds the approach and measure for experimental teaching innovation .

    针对当前会计模拟教学 缺陷,结合企业对会计人才的需求状况,着重论述了实验教学改革的途径和措施。

  • They are privileging a tiny number to the disadvantage of the rest .

    他们优待少数几个人, 使其他人 处于 不利 境地

  • Such a clause might work to the disadvantage of consumers .

    此条款 操作上可能 消费者 不利

  • Due to the disadvantage of passive speed limitation the active highway limit speed system is born .

    由于被动限速效果不佳,一种可实现主动 限速 公路限速系统应运而生。

  • And this article combined with some characteristics of the wireless sensor network and improved one of these algorithms towards to the disadvantage of several energy-efficiency routing protocols . So the algorithm N_LEACH is presented .

    本文比较深入的分析了各种有关节能的路由算法,针对几种节能路由算法 不足,并结合无线传感器网络的一些特点,对其中的一种算法进行改进,得到NLEACH算法。

  • According to the disadvantage of traditional information fusion model the dissertation put forward a universal information fusion model .

    针对传统的信息融合模型 不足,论文提出了信息融合通用模型。

  • Some higher education institutions ignore the assessment on skills of the students of the specialized program for football of the major of sports training which is to the disadvantage of the development of the actual working competence ability to apply and innovate of students .

    部分高校忽视了对运动训练专业足球专修学生技能方面的考核,不 利于学生的实际工作能力、运用能力、创新能力的培养。

  • According to the disadvantage of color distortion of color histogram equalization algorithm a new image enhancement algorithm based on dark channel prior is presented .

    针对彩色直方图均衡化算法颜色易失真 缺点,提出了一种基于暗原色先验的快速图像增强算法。

  • In allusion to the disadvantage of the disciplines navigation system for network resources the paper proposes some logical advice for the university libraries ' construction status of disciplines navigation system for network resources and discusses the principle and standard of disciplines navigation system for network resources home .

    本文 针对当前我国高校图书馆网络资源学科导航系统建设中的 问题 不足,提出了自己的见解和主张,对网络学科导航系统的建设原则和标准作了深入的研究和探讨。

  • The exhaustion of the oil deposits adds to the disadvantage of our economic development .

    石油储藏的枯竭 我们的经济发展更 不利

  • In this paper a novel carrier phase recovery method based on the adaptive step algorithm is introduced corresponding to the disadvantage of the fixed step in the old method .

    本文 针对该方法中步长固定 缺点,提出了一种基于自适应步长的载波相位恢复方法。

  • To my mind this is a second example of asymmetric treatment to the disadvantage of existing shareholders he said .

    “在我看来,这是 现有股东 不利 第二个区别对待的例子,”他表示。

  • At the same time Beijing has overhauled its system of business taxation to the disadvantage of local governments .

    与此同时,北京 企业税收制度的修改,也 地方政府收入下滑。

  • The operation principle of novel wound rotor is analyzed the modified project is bring forward according to the disadvantage of novel wound rotor . Secondly the coupling capability of different rotor is verified through the calculation of inductance parameter .

    分析了新型绕线转子的运行原理, 针对新型绕线转子无刷双馈电机 动态性能 缺点,提出了改进方案。其次,通过电感参数计算进一步验证不同转子的耦合能力。

  • Air pollution and shortage of energy are also worth considering as to the disadvantage of private cars .

    说到私家车 缺点时,空气污染和能源短缺也是要思考的问题。

  • And sometimes the Don 's success in keeping himself out of the limelight worked to the disadvantage of the family business in that his name did not mean anything to outside circles .

    而且有时候,老爷子在保持自己远离 镁光自己的家族产业也有不好的地方,因为他的名字对局外人来说什么都不是。

  • To the disadvantage of two-dimensional FFT in precision and resolution for range measurement after compensating the range-Doppler factor this paper uses chip-z transform to improve the precision and uses the sparse representation to improve the resolution .

    针对二维FFT方法在测距方面精度和分辨率较差 缺点,在对距离多普勒进行补偿后,采用了线性z变换方法来提高精度,用信号的稀疏表示的办法来提高分辨率。

  • The nutritional deficiency is to the disadvantage of photosynthetic products transportation between the Source and Pool . 5 .

    营养亏缺不 利于光合产物在源、库间的运转。

  • According to the disadvantage of speed and precision in parts recognition system this paper carries on the contrast research to research result result of study and present conditions at home and abroad put forward a parts recognition technology based on wavelet and BP neural network .

    针对 目前 在线零件识别系统在速度和精度上 缺陷,本文对当前国内外与本项目有关的研究成果和现状进行了总结性的对比研究,给出了基于小波和BP神经网络的零件识别方法。

  • It is argued that the doubling of the global labour force with the entry of Chinese Russian and Indian workers has changed the labour-capital ratio to the disadvantage of wage levels .

    有人认为,随着中国、俄罗斯和印度工人的进入,全球劳动力数量翻了一番,造成劳动/资本比率朝着 薪资水平 不利 方向转变。

  • In allusion to the disadvantage of genetic algorithm and BP neural network the genetic algorithm BP neural network to predict oil reservoir parameters is studied .

    深人 研究了遗传算法 理论,针对遗传算法和BP网 不足 薄互油藏参数预测的特点,提出了快速、高精度遗传算法人工神经网络的薄互油藏参数预测新方法。

  • Combining working practice this paper puts forward ameliorations in allusion to the disadvantage of current House Property Survey Specification .

    结合作业实践, 现行《房产测量规范》 不足 之处提出了几点改进建议。

  • In any event going forward investors appear likely to differentiate more among euro area sovereign borrowers than they did prior to the financial crisis to the disadvantage of euro area countries with higher-than-average debt burdens like Italy .

    不管结果如何,展望未来,相比金融危机前,投资者区别对待欧元区债务国的态度将更加明显,使意大利这样负债高于平均水平 欧元区国家 处于 不利 位置