toll booth


  • A long queue of lorries laden with coal is waiting to pass through the toll booth to Zhuo Zi Shan a town not far from Hohhot .

    载满煤炭的卡车排成长队,等待通过 收费 驶往&一个离呼和浩特不远的小镇。

  • After clearing the jam at the toll booth the truck finally makes its way towards the Gujarat border dodging crater-like potholes and swerving at the last minute to avoid a broken down truck left parked in the middle of the highway .

    在从 收费 的交通堵塞突围出来后,卡车终于开始驶往古杰拉特邦边境,不时地避开路上弹坑似的洼洞,并紧急转向,避让路上一辆中途抛锚的卡车。

  • That 's near the toll booth that 's being guarded by the2nd platoon .

    那是二排把守的 收费 附近。

  • With the function of inspection spot surveillance applied to city red light rush enforcement city traffic crossroads highway toll booth and ramp entrance .

    具有卡口监控功能,适用于城市闯红灯、交通卡口和高速公路 收费 、匝道口的抓拍。

  • There 's something in his eye that says there 's magic in his toll booth .

    他眼里有某种东西,告诉我在他的 收费 一种魔力。

  • That 's because the rise of wearable technology and mobile payment systems may make jobs like toll booth operator and grocery store cashier virtually obsolete .

    因为可穿戴科技和手机支付系统的兴起使得 收费 管理员和杂货店收营员形同虚设。

  • We 'll go through a toll booth . that 'll cost you extra fare .

    我们会经过一处 收费 ,你要另外付钱。

  • Go into Noise Limit of Highway Toll Booth

    公路 收费 噪声限值的探讨