

n.化妆品化妆品,化妆用具( toiletry的名词复数 )

  • Make sure you pack toiletries medicines and personal items before you leave .

    确保在你离开之前带上了 化妆 用品、药品和个人用品。

  • Since we 'll be here for about two weeks we can put our toiletries away now too .

    既然我们大概会在这里住上两个礼拜,就把 梳妆 用品 进去好了。

  • The airline offered first class passengers a bag of deluxe toiletries .

    此次航班为头等舱乘客提供了一袋高级 化妆品

  • Two years later they bought Warsaw-based Uroda toiletries .

    两年后,他们并购了位于华沙的乌诺达 化妆品 公司

  • I have a drawer of clothes at his place and toiletries in his medicine cabinet and visa versa .

    我有一柜子的衣服在他那,他 洗手间的储物柜里 着我的 化妆品而他也有 很多 东西放在我的住处。

  • Rooms are clean and comes with all the toiletries and standard accessories any good hotel should have .

    房间干净,有任何一家好的酒店都会有的 化妆 用具与标准设施。

  • Food beer and DVDs are the most common treats for males while clothes magazines and wine topped the list for women along with books shoes and toiletries .

    男性冲动 购物最常买的是食物、啤酒和DVD,而女性 冲动 购物 得最多的是衣服、杂志和红酒,还有书、鞋子和 化妆品

  • Business Ratio : The Toiletries & Cosmetics Industry .

    商业比率: 美容与化妆品工业。

  • Go through your medicine and bathroom cabinets and discard any medicines and toiletries that are past their prime .

    检查你的药品和洗手间里的柜子,扔掉那些过了保质 的药品和 化妆品

  • Soap toiletries and cosmetics group PZ Cussons awarded its head office staff 5 per cent from June 1 .

    肥皂、 洗浴 用品与化妆品集团pzcussons总部的员工从6月1日起加薪5%。

  • Other presents such as boxes of chocolates or expensive toiletries are also popular .

    像是巧克力盒或昂贵的 化妆品也是很流行的。

  • Mainly engaged in personal health care products cosmetics toiletries and gifts such as home fashion product development and manufacturing .

    主要从事个人健康护理用品、化妆品及 盥洗 用品和时尚家居礼品等产品研发、生产及制造。

  • Pharmacies : In the United States pharmacies are also called drugstores and usually offer a large selection of cosmetics toiletries stationery and other items as well as medicines .

    药房:在美国,药房也被称为“药”和通常提供一个大的选择化妆品, 卫浴 用品,文具,和其他物品,以及药品。

  • Some even make big money appearing in advertisements for soft drinks shoes and even toiletries .

    其中有些人甚至是因为替饮料、鞋,甚至 个人 化妆 用品 广告而赚了一大笔钱。

  • She took all the toiletries from under the vanity and tossed them on the counter too .

    她还把梳妆台下的所有 洗浴 用品出来,扔到了台面上。

  • The ledge also serves double duty as a shelf for toiletries stored in small decorative containers .

    突出的部分还有另外的用处,可作为一个架子 储存小的装饰容器。

  • Toiletries printer cartridges dorm decor and school supplies can take a chunk for starters .

    对于大学新生来说, 卫生 用品、打印墨盒、宿舍装饰以及学习用品要占到很大一部分。

  • Toiletries were not included a spokesperson said as everyone takes these .

    调查并不包括 梳洗 用品,因为调查发言人称,那是人人都会拿的 东西

  • But before boarding a recent flight Mary did something particularly crazy : She packed her laptop in her checked bag a canvas duffel that also contained shoes clothes and toiletries .

    最近一次坐飞机,她却做一件尤为疯狂的事:她将一台笔记本电脑放到要检查的行李包中。那是一只帆布粗呢袋子。里面还装了鞋子,衣服,和 化妆品

  • I 'm so sorry I didn 't know we had to remove our toiletries .

    对不起,我不知道 洗漱 用具也要 出来

  • We sell a wide range of cosmetics and toiletries at a very reasonable price .

    我们以公道的价格出售各种各样的 化妆品

  • For a bed plus toiletries and toilet paper the rate is $ 59 .

    对于加了 厕纸和卫生洁具的床位,是59美元。

  • Do you think the quality of toiletries is good ? Do you think we should add something else ?

    阁下对 酒店 洗漱 用品的质量方面您满意吗?还有什么添加的建议吗?

  • Grey-market perfumes and toiletries are now commonly sold by mail .

    水货香水和 化妆品现在常常通过邮购方式售卖。

  • Our duty-free shop stocks a wide range of toiletries for him and her .

    我们的免税商店有各种 款式的男用、 女用 化妆品 供应

  • The big money in the beauty industry is in male toiletries .

    美容行业的巨大利润来自男性 化妆品

  • Could you give me toiletries and spare clothing for tonight ?

    你们能给我 一些今晚 需要 化妆品和备用衣服吗?