tolerance limit

[ˈtɑlərəns ˈlɪmɪt][ˈtɔlərəns ˈlimit]


  • Calculation of non central t distribution and its quantile is required in reliability analysis for example analysis of lower tolerance limit for normal distribution upper confidence limits of coefficient of variation for normal distribution lower limits of reliability for normal distribution .

    非中心t分布函数及其分位数的计算,在正态分布的单侧 容许 计算、变差系数的置信上限计算、正态分布产品的可靠性下限计算中起着重要作用。

  • Adding foliage spray made cherry tomato yield increase and its nitrate content slight high but still within the tolerance limit .

    樱桃番茄增加叶面喷施后,产量增加,硝酸盐含量略有升高,但未超出 允许 范围

  • In the meantime the tolerance limit of coordinate difference in the station for site testing is given and it is possible to test total station coordinate traverse in site .

    同时,根据该原理,给出了测站坐标差 ,从而实现了全站仪坐标导线的现场检核。

  • Results proved that the system could satisfactorily meet the tolerance limit of less than 10 % set by the design criteria .

    满足了设计指标 <10%的要求。

  • It wants to anchor inflationary expectations after the painful experience of the past year when inflation stayed well above the tolerance limit of5 percent .

    经过了去年的痛苦经历,在通货膨胀的水准远高于 容忍 限度5%的时候,它想让通货膨胀的预期抛锚。

  • Results For 32 cases the absolute dose value at the isocenter was below the tolerance limit of 5 % ; for one case the dose value exceeded the range but re-meet the demand through adjusting the measure point to a flat region of dose distribution .

    结果所有患者的调强计划验证结果中有32例等中心点剂量 误差在5% 符合,1例超出标准则重新选取两处剂量变化较缓区域补测点剂量,结果亦在5%内符合;

  • Tolerance Limit of Collimated Lens During Transparence Testing

    透过检测中的准直镜 精度

  • Objective : To study the effect of rapid decompression on rabbit lung injury and the effect of body surface protection so as to provide experimental basis for revising the tolerance limit and making up protective measures .

    目的:研究迅速减压对肺损伤的影响及体表防护的作用,为修订机体对迅速减压的 和制定防护措施提供实验依据。

  • And when drought stress tolerance limit exceed its seeds no seed germination . 4 .

    而当干旱胁迫超过其种子的 耐受 限度时,种子不萌发。

  • A formula of two dimensional two sided tolerance limit factors

    二维双侧 系数公式

  • Effect of Physical Loads on Tolerance to High Temperature LIMIT TEST OF PROCESSING CAPACITY OF MAIN FRACTIONATOR IN FCCU

    体力负荷对高温 耐力的影响催化裂化分馏塔 极限负荷试验

  • Scholars home and abroad have studied it at large clarified its mechanism to a certain extent established physiological tolerance limit of lung and brought forward protection measures for flight personnel .

    国内外学者对于迅速减压肺损伤进行了大量的研究,对其损伤机理有了一定的认识,提出了肺脏的损伤 ,并且制定了相应的防护措施。

  • As an example it is indicated that the stipulation nowadays of manufacturing tolerance limit of blades is not so suitable .

    例如由本文的算例可见,目前有些工厂对叶型加工 公差 规定了叶型各处的绝对最大允差值是不太合适的。

  • And when the vegetable samples were evaluated based on the national tolerance limit of heavy metals in foods 43.2 % exceeded the criterion for Pb 18.6 % for Cd and less than 5 % for Zn and Cu .

    以国家食品卫生标准中 规定的重金属 限量为标准,路侧蔬菜样品Pb含量超标率为43.2%,Cd为18.6%,Zn和Cu则小于5%。

  • In recent years drunk driving drag racing lead to a vicious criminal cases often found in newspapers time and again challenged the public and the legal tolerance limit .

    近年来,酒驾、飙车所导致的恶性刑事案件屡见报端,一次又一次的挑战社会公众、法律的 容忍 极限

  • In samples of vegetable and fruit the detection rate of organophosphorous pesticide residues was 10.0 % and 8.6 % of the samples exceeded the tolerance limit both lower than those recorded 10 years ago .

    蔬菜、水果中有机磷检出率和 超标率分别为10·0%和8·6%,与10年前相比有明显下降。

  • Start the tablet press and ensure that the compaction force of the prepared punch still exceeds the tolerance limit plus .

    启动 压片,确保标记冲杆压力在正 公差之外。

  • Through analyzing the propagation of the wavefront phase we obtain the correlation between the wavefront error and system structure parameters remove the empty system error optimize the structure parameter and build up the expression about the tolerance limit of the collimated lens .

    通过对波前相位传递情况的分析,得出波前误差和系统结构参量的相关性,去除空腔系统误差,优化结构参量,并建立准直镜 误差 表达式。

  • The method of two-dimensional and one-sided tolerance limit factors for evaluating properties of prefabricated components

    测试预制砼构件结构性能百分 的二维单侧 系数法

  • Pay attention that the main pressure set value does not exceed the tolerance limit plus .

    注意主压力设定值不能 超过公差

  • This paper reported response of Puccinellia regrowth to soil salinity and salt tolerance limit of the plant .

    本文报导了盆栽碱茅草刈割后再生对土壤含盐量的反应和植物再生的 限度

  • Salt tolerance limit for regrowth is 2.42 % of soil salt content higher than the critical salinity level for seed germination .

    在盆栽情况下,碱茅再生的 限度为2.42%,远比种子萌发的临界含盐量高。

  • Although tolerance limit of alkali vapors in the flue gas is usually given under 0.024 ppm by weight at the inlet of gas turbines it is actually one or more orders of magnitude than that of the limit .

    因此有 规定,高温燃气轮机入口烟气中碱金属蒸气浓度一般不能超过 0.024×10-6,但实际中却往往比许可值高出一至几个数量级。

  • Results ① the concentration of benzene and N-hexane of the observe group was higher than that of country health tolerance limit while in the control group no such things had been detected .

    结果①观察组的苯和正己烷浓度超过国家卫生 容许 ,对照组未检出;

  • Some countries have established total sulphonamides tolerance limit in tissues for human consumption at 0.1mg/kg .

    许多国家已经规定磺胺药在人类食用组织中的残留 限量0.1mg/kg。

  • Conclusion In case of PEA < 20 G no matter the helmet used in the test with or without display system DRI SI HIC compressive loading as well as shear neck loading of cervical spine are within the tolerance limit .

    结论当弹射加速度峰值<20G时,试验中所用的头盔,无论是否装显示器,其动态响应指数、严重指数、头损伤指数、作用于颈椎的压力和剪力都在人体的 内。

  • Study the tolerance limit for nitrite in Chinese foods

    食品中亚硝酸盐 允许 限量的研究

  • For relative dose distribution all cases meet the tolerance limit of 5 % and 3 mm distance difference .

    相对剂量的验证以5%剂量 偏差和3mm距离偏差为 控制 标准,所有病例均能满足。