


  • Variation of styles themes for development of materials but also singing style lyric melody but also a distinctive Toccata paced style of dance content of these materials or contrast or echo driving the development of music .

    变奏风格 多变,有 来自主题的材料,也有抒情诗式的歌唱旋律,还 包括节奏紧凑鲜明的 托卡 塔式舞蹈风格的内容,这些或对比或呼应的材料推动着乐曲的发展。

  • Leopold Stokowski was already a famous conductor with many recordings to his name when he talked Disney into opening Fantasia to the sound of the Toccata and Fugue in D minor .

    列奥波尔德斯托科夫斯基在他说服迪士尼将“巴赫d小调 托卡塔与赋格”的音乐加入到《幻想曲》中的时候,他已经是一位十分著名的指挥家了。

  • What can I fit ? What 'd fit after that great Toccata ?

    上什么呢?什么才适合那伟大的 托卡塔