



  • If the lemonade tastes bitter sugar it . They spent months of toil on the water conservancy project .

    如果柠檬水发苦,就加糖。他们为这项水利工程 辛辛苦苦 了几个月。

  • No man living are more worthy to be trusted than those who toil up from poverty .

    时间再没有比那些从贫穷中 奋起的人更值得信赖的人了。

  • We 've golden soil and wealth for toil ;

    我们有金黄土壤和财富为 劳碌

  • We see on every hand the results of the farmer 's toil and forecast in the springtime .

    从每一位农平易近的手上,我们看到了 辛苦恳作的成就和春天祈望的实现。

  • Well after a day 's toil in the office I like to relax a little .

    这个,在办公室 劳累了一天后我喜欢休息一会儿。

  • We were felt w_1556 quite exhausted with the toil .

    我们因那 辛苦 工作 感到十分疲惫。

  • They spent months of toil on the water conservancy project .

    他们为这项水利工程 辛辛苦苦 了几个月。

  • Those who toil in eternity shall find riches in the dusk of time .

    那些在永恒中 苦干的会在时间的黄昏中找到财富。

  • I am tired with hours of toil .

    因数小时的 劳动 疲乏了。

  • The Chinese people have created a China miracle by their own toil and wisdom .

    中国人民依靠自己的智慧和 汗水创造了 中国奇迹”。

  • Arnold had his head down gasping as he toiled up the hill .

    阿诺德垂着头,一边 费劲 往山上爬一边 气喘吁吁

  • All the blessings we enjoy are the fruits of labor toil and self-denial and study .

    我们得到的一切幸福都是劳动、 辛苦、自我克制和学习的成果。

  • I have pointed to him my own manuscript volumes which represent the toil of years .

    我给他看了我那些 稿本,它们代表了我多年的 心血

  • What he actually said was I can promise you Blood Sweat Toil and Tears . Because of the rule of three we simply remember it as Blood sweat and tears .

    我能奉献的唯有血、汗、 辛劳和泪水,因为三的法则我们仅仅只记住了血、汗和泪水。

  • He is encumbered with a large family and has to toil hard to support it .

    他为大家庭系累,不得不为维持 生计 辛劳

  • The daily toil had outworn him .

    每天的 苦活把他累垮了。

  • How far I toil still farther off from thee .


  • Workers toiled long hours .

    工人们长时间 辛苦 劳动

  • The boss made the workers toil like beasts of burden .

    老板把工人 当牛马一样役使。

  • Lindi has achieved her comfortable life only after years of hard toil .

    林迪只做了几年的 苦工就过上了舒适的生活。

  • More Americans now are occupied in offices and services than who toil on the factory floor .

    在办公室和服务行业工作的人要比在工厂 辛劳 工作的人多。

  • A life of toil is generally the price of fame and success .


  • But God has seen my hardship and the toil of my hands and last night he rebuked you .

    神看见我的苦情和我的 劳碌,就在昨夜责备你。

  • And when I begin to eat after my toil you wake up and wag your tail for food .

    并且,当我开始在我的 劳碌以后时吃,您叫醒并且摇摆您的食物的尾巴。

  • So toil warm for me ;

    辛劳温暖我的 心房

  • People who toiled in dim dank factories were too exhausted to enjoy their family life

    在昏暗潮湿的工厂 辛苦 劳作的人们累得无力再去享受家庭生活。

  • Better one handful with tranquillity than two handfuls with toil and chasing after the wind .

    满了一把,得享安静,强如满了两把, 劳碌捕风。

  • Every single grain is the result of toil .

    每一粒粮食都 来之不易