


  • A rain now came on which continued for two or three hours and made the road slippery and toilsome .

    现在下了一场雨,一连下了两三个钟头,使得路上 泞滑

  • A Freelancer is toilsome and enjoyable ; it is a challengeable occupation full of more feelings of achievement !

    自由翻译是 辛苦的、也是快乐的;是具有挑战性的,更是具有成就感的职业!

  • Whenever the grass was dry the children would cut across me fields instead of keeping to the road . ' set off up the road again over the toilsome way they had come .

    每当草木枯干时,孩子们 荒野也不去走大路。说着,他就 他们 辛辛苦苦 走过来的 路走去。

  • In need to have her talent recognized and burdened with the issues of survival she had to make her toilsome to fame .

    肯定自我才华的需要和生存压力的重担,使她 不得不 上追逐名的 漫长

  • In ancient India history the contents are miscellaneous and toilsome profound archaic and abstruse ;

    印度古代史,内容繁杂,深邃 古奥,且 缺乏原始 资料

  • Housework is usually miscellaneous and toilsome .

    家务劳动通常是 繁杂的。

  • Those days closed the relationship among us which were toilsome but enjoyable .

    那段日子 虽然 辛苦,但却十分令人愉快,它拉近了我们之间的 距离

  • Each time he returned home after a day 's work he was too tired to do anything further feeling quite toilsome .

    每次忙完一天的活儿,回到家里,他都累得什么也不想做,觉得 辛苦 了。

  • To live in the United States many ethnic Mexicans work toilsome jobs that are not protected with even the most basic health insurance .

    许多在美国居住的墨西哥裔努力 打拼生活,却没有最基本的健康保险、医疗保障;

  • I know learning like this is toilsome and ineffective but I can 't spare other time for study .

    虽然这样 比较 辛苦,而且也不利于学习,但是我 实在是无法抽出时间来学习了, 只好这样。

  • Although there are many methods of building mathematical model for permanently constrained discrete system the methods are usually toilsome and not convenient for computer modeling .

    对于多 自由 定常约束 力学系统的数学建模有许多方法,但这些方法不是受到使用条件限制 就是 计算 繁琐,并且不适合于计算机建模。

  • It 's toilsome of explorer to work .

    探险家的工作是 艰苦的。

  • With the increasing of the automobiles ' quantity the traffic accidents are becoming more and more . To assess damaged automobile correctly is a toilsome and complicated job .

    随着汽车数量的不断增加,汽车事故也越来越多, 保险 公司对汽车 遇险进行正确 公估是一项 颇为 繁重和复杂的工作。

  • We have marched since daybreak we have reached the evening of a long and toilsome day ;

    人们从天明走起, 辛辛苦苦长途跋涉了一整天, 直走到天黑;