Natives of Zhejiang on the east coast like toilet roll as rough as sandpaper the former head of Wal-Mart China liked to observe a penchant thankfully absent elsewhere .
沃尔玛中国区前负责人高兴地看到,中国东部沿海省份浙江省的人喜欢像砂纸一样粗糙的 卫生 纸,还好这种倾向没有在别的地区出现。
Web businesses were either technically flawed ( slung-together systems using the electronic equivalent of string toilet roll cores and sticky-backed plastic ) or financially doomed ( nothing destroys value like misplaced capital ) .
网络业务要么在技术上存在瑕疵(无异于用电子虚拟世界的线、 厕纸轴和不干胶拼凑起来的系统),要么在财务上死路一条(没有比资本错误配置更破坏价值的了)。
Toilet roll cutter and perforator I was 10 and wound wire around a toilet paper tube to form the inductor .
我10岁时,在卫生纸 卷筒上绕 上电线,做成电感器。
Research and Development of BOPP Toilet Paper Roll Packaging Film
双向拉伸聚丙烯 卫生 纸卷包装薄膜的研发卷筒 卫生 纸裁切与打孔机
Drum roll please : Tesco says that each sheet of its recycled toilet roll uses 1.1g of carbon compared to1.8g for its standard toilet roll .
请试想!乐购说,与标准的1.8克碳排放相比,每一张循环使用的 厕纸会产生1.1克的二氧化碳。
The company describes their uber-luxurious product saying : This is the most expensive toilet paper roll in the world .
对这种极致奢华的产品,制造商的说法是:这是世界上最贵的 厕纸。
The stress of having to constantly THINK AHEAD making preparations avoiding problems and ensuring there is always a toilet roll in place !
压力因必须向前看、做好准备、避免出现问题以及确保身边随时都有 卫生 纸而无处不在!
If objects can fit into a toilet paper roll they are too small for your baby .
如果物件能放入一个 卫生 纸卷内,这一物件对你的宝宝就是太小了。