toilet paper


  • If objects can fit into a toilet paper roll they are too small for your baby .

    如果物件能放入一个 卫生 纸卷内,这一物件对你的宝宝就是太小了。

  • Oh I must get some toilet paper and some paper napkins .

    哦,我还得买些 卫生 和纸餐巾。

  • He returns without noticing a piece of toilet paper is hanging from his ass.

    回来时却没有留意有一块 卫生 还挂在他的屁股上。

  • You 've been playing with the toilet paper and I told you many times not to do that !

    你怎么又在玩 厕纸,我告诉你好多遍了不要那样做!

  • Do we have any more rolls of toilet paper ?

    我们还有更多的卷筒 卫生 吗?

  • When go toilet you would like to bring your own toilet paper .

    每当你上厕所时,你喜欢自己带 手纸

  • For a bed plus toiletries and toilet paper the rate is $ 59 .

    对于加了 厕纸 卫生 洁具的床位,是59美元。

  • I love eating toilet paper Davis 34 says .

    这位34岁的妇女说道:我爱吃 卫生

  • Toilet Paper Detergent Matches Mosquito Coil Paint Brushes .

    卫生 ,洗粉,火柴,蚊香,油漆刷。

  • I don 't know why I would want to kiss my toilet paper ?

    我不知道为什么我会想亲吻我的 卫生

  • I ran out of toilet paper and had to improvise .

    厕所了,只能拿作业 凑合着用了。

  • Betoken the camp product or serve : Various specification wiping toilet paper puts up ;

    主营产品或服务:各种规格的擦 手纸

  • I can 't help but wipe my ass with used toilet paper .

    没办法,只能拿别人用过的 手纸

  • This machine is special equipment for cutting rolled toilet paper and rolled kitchen paper .

    本机为 卫生 卷筒 和厨房卷筒纸专用切割设备。

  • I think she needs more toilet paper .

    我想她需要很多的 厕纸

  • Even the toilet paper in the bathrooms is really nice one of the employees said .

    就连 卫生间 厕纸都很高级,一位雇员说。

  • Water rice bread milk toilet paper and tissues seem to be most popular items .

    水、大米、面包、牛奶、 卫生 和纸巾看上去是最紧俏的物品。

  • Why don 't you go stand in line for toilet paper in the ussr ?

    为什麽你不排着队向苏联要 厕纸

  • Sean : I 'm so sorry . I know you 'd rather shop for hot dogs and toilet paper .

    西恩:我很遗憾。我知道你比较想去瞎拼热狗和 卫生

  • There 's no more toilet paper in the lavatory we should let someone know about this problem .

    厕所里面没 了,我们应该让其他的人知道这个问题。

  • Mummy . I want some toilet paper .

    妈妈,我想要些 卫生

  • There is no soap no towels not even toilet paper .

    没有肥皂,没有毛巾,甚至没有 卫生

  • This was real progress but toilets were still missing one thing : toilet paper .

    这算是真正的进步,但是马桶仍缺少一样东西: 卫生

  • Never use tissues or toilet paper to clean your eyeglasses .

    绝不要用面巾纸或是 卫生 来擦眼镜!

  • Most people today have at least one toilet and lots of toilet paper inside their homes .

    今天,大多数人的家中至少都有一个马桶和许多 卫生

  • This machine is auxiliary equipment for rewinding perforating toilet paper machine and diamond paper machine .

    本机为复卷打孔 卫生 机、方巾纸机的辅助设备。

  • This machine is a special equipment for producing perforated Rolled Toilet Paper .

    本机是生产打孔 卫生 的专用设备。

  • Check if there is a toilet paper before you sit down .

    在坐下去前先检查有没有 厕纸

  • The first novel I really fell in love with I rescued from being used as toilet paper .

    我真正喜欢上的第一本小说差点用作了 厕纸,是被我抢救回来的。

  • When she began to scream I took some clean toilet paper and stuffed it in her mouth .

    当她开始尖叫,我采取了一些干净的 卫生 和毛绒它在她的口。