[化] 飞行时间质谱仪

  • Full two-dimensional gas chromatography / time of flight mass spectrum ( GC × GC / TOFMS ) were applied in the analysis of microconstituents in liquor . Besides the microconstituents in main liquors of traditional flavor were compared .

    用全二维气相色谱/飞行时间质谱(GC× GC/TOFMS)研究白酒中微量成分,并对我国主要传统香型白酒中微量成分进行了比较。

  • Study of Silicon Oxide Cluster Ions by TOFMS

    硅氧团簇离子的 TOFMS研究

  • We concluded that metabolomic technique based on GC / TOFMS can be used for the evaluation of the anticancer drug efficacy and exploration of mechanisms of drug metabolism .

    采用基于 GC/TOFMS的代谢组学方法可以用于评价抗肿瘤药物的药效和探索药物的代谢作用机制。

  • Wide-band Amplifier for Small Signal in TOFMS

    用于 飞行 时间 质谱 检测的小信号宽带放大器

  • Laser pluses exciting the chemical reaction process of B / KNO3 was studied by use of TOFMS and the mechanism of the reaction was discussed .

    运用 飞行 时间 质谱研究了B/ KNO3点火药的激光点火过程,探讨了其反应机理。

  • The Data acquisition rate and resolution for the dynamic measuring method using TOFMS have been investigated in tests .

    试验研究了采用 这种方法实现 内燃机 排气 成分动态检测所 的数据采集速率和分辨率。

  • The Application of MALDI - TOFMS in Snake Venom Analysis

    基质辅助激光解吸电离 飞行 时间 质谱在蛇毒组分分析中的应用

  • Therefore GC × GC / TOFMS is more powerful and more reliable and more suitable to complex matrix analysis .

    因此,GC× GC/TOFMS 分离 能力 更强定性 定量 结果更可靠,更适合复杂体系的 分离分析。

  • Novel Portable Mini TOFMS System

    新式小型便携 飞行 时间 质谱 系统

  • A novel mini time of flight mass spectrometer ( Mini - TOFMS ) has been developed to meet the growing demands for the partial pressure mass spectrometer according to the latest TOFMS developments .

    根据对分压强质谱计需求的迅速增长和 飞行时间质谱计的新发展,研制了一种新型小飞行时间 质谱计。

  • Development of a Siri TOFMS and the application research progress

    溅射 原子激光 共振电离- 飞行 时间 质谱 的研究及应用进展

  • The pyrolysis behavior of car paint in waste steel recycling process was studied by single photon ionization ( SPI ) / resonance enhanced multi - photon ionization ( REMPI ) - time of flight mass spectrometry ( TOFMS ) .

    采用单光子离子化/共振增强的多光子离子化-飞行时间质谱法( SPI/REMPI-TOFMS)研究了在汽车钢板的回收冶炼过程中,涂覆油漆的裂变行为。

  • A peak shape simulation program of TOFMS based on probability was developed and the effects of ionic initial spatial and velocity distributions on ionic peak shape were studied .

    运用概率 密度 理论建立了一套 飞行 时间 质谱的峰形模拟的方法和程序,并通过模拟分析考察了不同的空间分布和速度分布对离子 峰形的影响。

  • SIRI - TOFMS for Ultratrace and Microanalysis

    用于超微量和微区分析的 SIRI-TOFMS装置的 研制

  • The experiments proved that GC × GC / TOFMS was useful greatly in the analysis of microconstituents in liquor and in the research on liquor style formation mechanism . ( Tran . by YUE Yang )

    研究结果显示,GC× GC/TOFMS在白酒微量成分分析及白酒风格形成机理研究领域有很大的优势。

  • The TOFMS Study of Laser Excitation the Reaction of B / KNO_3

    B/KNO3点火药在激光作用下的 飞行 时间 质谱研究

  • A reviews with 31 referencess dealing with the progress and the application of Atmospheric Pressure lon-ization / Time - of - flight mass spectrometry ( API / TOFMS ) is presented with emphasis on the instrumental characterization using atmospheric pressure chemical ionization or electrospray ionization / TOFMS .

    综述了大气压离子化技术/飞行时间 质谱联用技术及其应用的进展。

  • Comparison Between GC / MS and GC × GC / TOFMS in Analyzing Semi-volatile Neutral Constituents in Tobacco

    GC/MS、GC× GC/TOFMS分析烟草半挥发性中性成分比较

  • An high resolution ESI QQQ TOFMS coupled with three sect quadrupoles is reported . The home made instrument in the laboratory has a number of features .

    报道了实验室研制的电喷雾离子源,具有射频四极杆接口的高分辨 飞行 时间 质谱ESI-QQQ-TOFMS)仪器。

  • The Development of TOFMS Analysis Technique

    飞行 时间 质谱分析技术的发展