Tokyo round

[ˈtokiˌo raʊnd][ˈtəukjəu raund]

[经] 东京回合

  • In a briefing in Tokyo Mr Zoellick said factors including budget constraints taxpayer resistance and a weak US dollar and Japanese yen made the current three-year round which closes in December very difficult .

    佐立克在 东京举行的新闻会上表示,包括预算限制、纳税人抵触及美元和日元走软在内的各种因素,使当前这 为期3年的筹款期变得非常棘手。

  • United States Trade Representative completed the multilateral trade negotiations of the North American Free Trade Agreement and the Kennedy Round Tokyo Round and the Uruguay Round and reached a series of trade results including the establishment of the World Trade Organization .

    美国贸易代表完成了北美自由贸易双边贸易协定谈判和肯尼迪回合, 东京 回合和乌拉圭回合三次多边贸易谈判,达成一系列贸易成果,包括建立世界贸易组织等。

  • Copenhagen Zurich and Tokyo round out the top five with New York in seventh place globally .

    位于前5名的另外3个城市为哥本哈根、苏黎世和 东京,纽约 名列全球第7。

  • TOKYO & Japan is opting for another round of shock treatment in a stark admission that the country 's economic revival plan is faltering .

    东京&日本选择采取又一 令人震惊的举措,明确承认了日本的经济复兴计划步履蹒跚。

  • However the specific method of comparison is not provided by the Tokyo Round Anti-dumping Code which provides Zeroing with applicable space .

    但是, 东京 回合《反倾销守则》却没有规定具体的比较方法,这给适用归零法提供了空间。