topical application

[ˈtɑpɪkəl ˌæplɪˈkeʃən][ˈtɔpikəl ˌæpliˈkeiʃən]


  • A study on the properties and release of cyclosporin A polylactic acid microspheres for topical application

    局部 应用环孢素A聚乳酸微球的性状及释药研究

  • Topical application of iodine glycerin gingival sulcus drugs can reduce the degree of gingival tissue injury .

    龈沟内 局部 应用碘甘油药物可降低牙龈组织损伤程度。

  • Conclusion Topical application of Contax is an effective way to reduce or eliminate cervical dentin sensitivity .

    结论 Contax可以作为一种牙本质脱敏剂有效地降低牙颈部牙本质敏感症状。

  • Conclusions : The topical application of FK-506 suppressed effectively the postoperative graft rejection of high-risk cornea transplantation .

    用药期间未发现该药有任何毒副作用。结论: 局部 应用FK-506可有效抑制高危角膜移植免疫排斥反应的发生。

  • A test to determine the toxicological effect of thiodicarb flowables on cotton bollworm ( Heliothis armigera ) was performed using methods of topical application leaf diping and contact residue .

    采用 点滴法、浸叶法、药膜法测定了硫双灭多威胶悬剂毒力效果。

  • The difference of resistances to conventional insecticides was evaluated in field populations of Helicoverpa armigera from Xinjiang and North China by topical application and diagnostic dosage test .

    本文采用 点滴 和诊断剂量法,比较研究了新疆与华北棉区田间种群棉铃虫对不同类型杀虫剂代表品种的抗性差异。

  • Aim : to observe the effect of topical application of tranexamic acid and amikacin in preventing hemorrhage after tonsillectomy .

    目的:观察 局部 应用氨甲环酸及阿米卡星预防扁桃体切除术后出血的效果。

  • Hydrogel a gel whose dispersion medium is water is a good preparation formulation for dermal topical application .

    水凝胶( hydrogel)是以水分为分散介质的凝胶,是一种良好的 局部皮肤给药剂型。

  • Topical application of Simvastatin-Bio-Oss mixture can obviously promote the bone defect healing around implants . 2 .

    结论:1. 局部 应用辛伐他汀-骨粉混合物能明显促进种植体周围骨缺损的愈合。

  • The drugs prescribed mainly were anti-infectives ( 60.8 % ) and main route of administration was topical application .

    使用的药物以抗感染药物比重最大,占60.8%,其中58.3%是以 局部 外用为给药途径的,且抗滴虫、抗霉菌药的 使用 较多并有季节变化。

  • Short-tem Oral Administration of Terbinafine Combined with Topical Application of Econazole in Treatment of Tinea Pedis : A Randomized and Controlled Clinical Study

    口服特比萘芬加 外用益康唑短程联合疗法治疗足癣的临床对照研究

  • This article describes the clinical efficacy evaluation of topical application of the itch-relief aerosol product on treated versus untreated skin after mosquito bite .

    本文采用人体皮肤蚊虫叮咬后,比对 涂抹样品部位与未涂样品部位痒感及消肿变化情况,对止 气喷雾产品止痒效果进行临床功效评估。

  • An evaluation of the efficacy of topical application of salicylic acid for the treatment of familial cylindromatosis

    局部 应用水杨酸治疗家族性圆柱瘤的疗效评估

  • To evaluate the effect to hepatic and renal functions after liposome-podophyllotoxin topical application .

    评估脂质体鬼臼毒素 外用对大鼠肝肾功能的影响。

  • The chronergy study on the influence of topical application of sodium nitroprusside in different concentrations on the wound healing

    局部 应用不同浓度硝普钠对创伤愈合影响的时效性研究

  • After topical application of Hirudoid and Hirudoid forte plasma levels of MPS are Iow and no influence on blood coagulation can be determined .


  • Objective To investigate the effects of topical application of emu oil on wound healing in scalded rats .

    目的从炎症反应的角度探讨 外用鸸鹋油对烫伤大鼠创面愈合的影响。

  • Effects of topical application of insulin on the wound healing in scalded rats

    局部 应用胰岛素对烫伤大鼠创面愈合的影响

  • Methods : 90 cases were treated with massage acupoint massage and topical application of drug .

    方法:采用推拿、穴位按摩及 外敷药物的方法,分型辨证治疗肌性斜颈90例。

  • Inhibitory effect of topical application of 5-fluorouracil on intimal hyperplasia of vein graft

    局部 应用5-氟尿嘧啶抑制移植静脉内膜增生的实验研究

  • The effectiveness of the topical application of mitomycin C ( MMC ) or5-fluorouracil ( 5FU ) in preventing peridural adhesion after laminectomy was compared in this study .

    目的:这项研究旨在比较 局部 应用丝裂霉素C和5-氟尿嘧啶预防推板切除术后硬膜外粘连的效果。

  • Clinical Study of Topical Application of Xiaozhang San on Umbilical Area to Treat Ascites of Liver Cirrhosis

    消胀散辨证 脐治疗肝硬化腹水的临床研究

  • Methods : Round canister contact method and topical application method .

    方法:圆筒接触法和 点滴法;

  • Objective T0 study the efficacy and safety of erfukang liniment topical application in the treatment of papular urticaria of childhood .

    目的观察儿肤康 搽剂治疗儿童丘疹性荨麻疹的疗效与安全性。

  • Objectives : We use topical application of tetracycline cortisone cream for the treatment of phimosis in boys .

    目的: 局部 使用四环素可的松软膏治疗男孩包茎。

  • Clinical evaluation of topical application of recombinant human epidermal growth factor in treatment of diabetic foot

    局部 应用金因肽治疗糖尿病足临床观察

  • The thesis took Musca domestica as research object . By experimental preparation familiar with the house flies feeding and resistance training methods and use the topical application method as the method of resistance training and biological testing .

    本文以家蝇为实验对象,通过实验的前期准备,熟悉了家蝇的饲养方法及抗性培育方法,并采用 点滴法性作为抗性培育及生物测试的方法。

  • To study the effect of the topical application of a dental gel of the combination Ornidazole and Carboxymethyl Chitosan in the treatment of chronic periodontitis is of clinically significance .

    本研究通过对 硝唑羧甲基壳聚糖溶胶在 牙周炎治疗中的初步观察,以期为进一步临床应用提供相关资料。

  • Objective To measure the rabbit ocular tissue concentration of lomefloxacin ( LMLX ) after its topical application .

    目的测定盐酸洛美沙星(lomefloxacin, LMLX局部 用药后兔眼组织的浓度。

  • AIM : To observe the effects of topical application of 5-fluorouracil ( 5-FU ) on the rabbits corneal limbus .

    目的:观察家兔角巩膜缘 局部 应用5-氟尿嘧啶(5-FU)的治疗效果。