topic sentence

[ˈtɑpɪk ˈsɛntəns][ˈtɔpik ˈsentəns]


  • Third we proposed text knowledge extraction models including the definition of the concept of text knowledge analysis of the text structure transformation of web html to plain text implement of key word extraction and the topic sentence extraction .

    在此基础之上,提出了文本知识抽取模型,包括定义文本知识的概念,分析文本的物理结构和逻辑结构,介绍Web文本转变为普通文本的方法,实现文本知识的关键词抽取和 主题 抽取。

  • In the test of our topic sentence identification module we made comparisons of disparity between the multiple result sets obtained from the tests of several different data collections and the possible reasons that cause the disparity have also been looked into .

    在对 主题 抽取模块的测试中,通过测试不同数据集得到的结果集,比较了结果之间的差异性并分析了造成差异的原因。

  • The topic sentence and keyword in the sentences in segment .

    段中 主题 和句中的关键词。

  • Second even in a non-literary paragraph the topic sentence may not be clearly stated .

    就是在文章段落里,都不一定有 主题

  • In light of this feature of register one can predict the general content and the diction of a discourse according to the text characteristics like the title or the topic sentence .

    有鉴于此,我们可以根据语篇特征,如标题或 主题 等来预测语篇的基本内容及大致用词范围等。

  • This essay tries to employ The Bounding Theory in The Theory of Government to explain the topic sentence in chinese grammar and put forward its patterns characteristics and the differences between subject and topic .

    本文运用管约论的界限理论解释汉语的 话题 ,提出话题的类型、特点及其与主语的区别。

  • Topic Sentence Extraction Method Based on Weight Fuzzy Clustering and Mutual Information

    基于WFC和MI的 主题 提取方法

  • The main idea should be in the first paragraph as a topic sentence and then repeated in the conclusion paragraph .

    文章主旨应在首段以 主题 形式呈现,而在最后结论尾段也会重覆出现。

  • First of all just we talk about that we need to get the topic sentence right you need to get the topic sentence when listening so now let 's see what 's kind of topic sentence you need to get .

    还有一些像这样的 短语 缩写,首写 字母,但是原则是你要能够辨别的出来自己写的,别自己都认不出来自己写的,要不 写完了也没有意义,大家稍微看一下主要是方法。

  • We also may initially extrapolate that all prospers the dialect topic sentence performance characteristic possibly widely to exist to the south various dialects ( for example Wu dialect ) center with has the difference take the Beijing language as representative 's north dialect topic sentence .

    我们还可以初步推测,都昌方言 话题 的表现特征可能广泛地存在于南方各方言(如吴语)中,和以北京话为代表的北方方言的话题句是有区别的。

  • Continue your brain-storming and write the topic sentence for your first body paragraph .


  • English Topic Sentence and Its Development

    英语 主题 及其扩展

  • During the experiment the author conducted the text structure English reading teaching in experimental class and guided the students to understand the structure of a paragraph find out the topic sentence of a paragraph and analyze the text types and texture pattern .

    实验中,作者在实验班进行篇章结构阅读教学,指导学生理解段落结构、找出段落的 主题 并分析篇章类型和篇章模式。

  • The importance of writing topic sentence and flexibly using the linking words are emphasized .

    强调 主题 的重要作用以及灵活使用连接词对文章连贯所起到的锦上添花的作用。

  • Check their answers and tell them the topic sentence and why the sentence is the topic sentence of this paragraph and why the other sentences are not .

    这个句子的 特点是概括性 、比较抽象,是本段落的 中心 ,它用简洁的语言说明了没有标准英语这件事。

  • The central theme is usually summarized in what is called the topic sentence .

    中心议题通常被概括地称为 主题

  • A better understanding of the varieties positions and ways of development of an English topic sentence in a paragraph is beneficial to learners in improving their reading as well as writing skills .

    在英语阅读和写作教学中,正确理解段落 主题 ,准确把握段落 主题 的种类、位置,并掌握其扩展方法,对于提高大学生的英语阅读速度和写作能力大有裨益。

  • Notice the topic sentence is usually the first or the last sentence of a paragraph .

    注意 主题 经常是一个自然段的第一 或最后一句。

  • Basing on practical teaching the writer mainly explores four training models in the teaching of college English writing : word sentence paragraph model topic sentence supporting sentence expanding sentence model introduction body conclusion model reading discussion writing model .

    针对以上问题,笔者结合教学实践,探讨了四种大学英语写作训练模式:一是词句段模式,二是 主题 支撑句扩展句模式,三是引言主体结论模式,四是阅读讨论写作模式。

  • However we need partly even completely change Chinese topic sentence so as to express the original accurately and tally with customs of English in the most cases .

    但在多数情况下,需要将汉语 主题 局部甚至全部改变才能完整精确地 出原 要表达的 意思,同时又符合英语语言的表达习惯。

  • Topic sentence gives us a summary or overall meaning of each paragraph .

    主题 总结每段的整体意义。

  • There are mainly two types of paragraph development in English writing : topic sentence appearing at the beginning of a paragraph and no topic sentence existing ;

    英语段落发展主要有两种模式:段首 主题 和无主题句;

  • Besides excluding irrelevant material the topic sentence or main idea should include all the relevant details .

    除了要排除与主题不相关的材料外, 主题 或者中心思想要包括所有的相关事例;

  • The Successful Beginning of English Paragraph Writing : Writing an Effective Topic Sentence and Supporting Sentences

    英文段落写作成功的起点:写好 主题 和支持句

  • The Interrelation between English-Chinese Language and the Topic Sentence

    英汉语言与文章 主题 的相关性

  • Study on Topic Sentence Writing in Paragraph Development

    英语段落发展中的 主题 写作研究

  • Commit small semantic changes . Ideally every commit should consist of a single act and every log message should amount to a paragraph with a single topic sentence .

    修改要小到原子理想的情形下,每一次修改只包含一个意图,每条日志只是说明一个 问题 单句 段落

  • In this paper the issue of the topic sentence is analyzed from the viewpoints of the rhetoric the cultural thought patterns and the functional sentence perspective .

    本文从英语修辞,英民族的文化思维模式以及英语系统功能语法观的角度分析了英语 主题