top management system

[tɑp ˈmænɪdʒmənt ˈsɪstəm][tɔp ˈmænidʒmənt ˈsistəm]

[计] 主管系统,主控系统

  • The structure and database of the top drive drilling system virtual prototype system ( TDS-VPS ) of is designed and the relations between the management system and the model database or the TDS-VPS database are investigated .

    设计了 顶部驱动钻井装置虚拟样机原型系统的系统结构和数据库,研究了 管理 系统与模型库和数据库的关系;

  • Even so but the company was not satisfied with this top management decided in the existing management system on the basis of introducing the criteria for performance excellence to further guide the company formed to pursue performance excellence enterprise culture and excellent management system .

    虽然如此,但是公司并不满足于此, 最高 管理 毅然决定在现有管理 体系的基础上导入卓越绩效评价准则,以进一步引导公司形成追求卓越绩效的企业文化和卓越的管理体系。

  • By analyzing requirement of modernized large military enterprises group management system to decision advisory system this paper describes the action of decision advisory system on top leaders of large military enterprises group and gives the mission intelligence structure management procedure of decision advisory system .

    通过现代大型军工企业集团管理体系对决策咨询系统的需求分析,论述了决策咨询系统在大型军工企业集团的 最高领导层的作用,提出决策咨询 系统的任务、智力结构和 管理程序。

  • We have a strong R & D team top class management force together with a qualified control system make an international standard of chargers and battery products .

    国际集团拥有强大的研发队伍,专业的 管理阶层和国际性的质量监控 体系

  • From the view point of industrial field-bus concept it covers a very wide area including the top layer computer management system control system industrial robot industrial field execution device and sensor .

    从工业现场总线的概念来说,其覆盖的领域极广,包括了 上层的计算机 管理 系统、控制系统、工业机器人、工业现场执行机构和传感器等。

  • Top managers of corporations are concerned about how to adapt a reliable process control mechanism or to provide an optimized management system during the execution of process .

    如何优化一个企业流程的定义,怎样在流程执行过程 采用可靠的运行机制以及提供完善的 管理成为了企业管理人员日益关心的 话题

  • The computer system of top management is that it commands the centre system controlled .

    计算机系统是其指挥控制的中心 系统

  • It describes the design principle of office information system network of Shanghai Railway Administration introduces the key technology network top design network route design and network management and safety system design . It also introduces the network plan of office information system in detail .

    阐述了上海铁路局办公信息系统网络的设计原则,采用的关键技术,网络 拓扑设计,网络路由设计,网络 管理和安全 系统设计,并详细介绍了办公信息系统网络方案。

  • Top management should ensure that effective and efficient methods are used to identify areas for improvement of the quality management system performance .

    管理 应当确保使用有效和高效的方法来识别质量管理 体系业绩有待改进的区域。

  • Top management shall provide evidence of its commitment to the development and implementation of the quality management system and continually improving its effectiveness by the following activities .

    最高 管理者应通过以下活动,对建立实施质量管理 体系并持续改进其有效性所作出的承诺,提供证据。

  • Author point out that enterprise can establish top ranking building site only through intensifying production consciousness and establishing and perfecting production management system that the accidents can be eliminated .

    指出施工企业只有进一步强化企业生产的意识,建立、健全安全生产 管理 制度,才能创建 一流的安全文明工地,有效杜绝意外事故的发生。

  • Top management should ensure the establishment of an effective and efficient internal audit process to assess the strengths and weaknesses of the quality management system .

    最高 管理者应当确保建立有效和高效的内部审核过程,以评价质量管理 体系的强项和弱项。

  • A management representative should be appointed and given authority by top management to manage monitor evaluate and coordinate the quality management system .

    最高 管理者应当指定一名管理者代表并赋予权限,以使其能对质量管理 体系进行管理、监视、评价和协调。

  • Top management team ( TMT ) is at the core of corporate governance system TMT evaluation is the final receptor of the corporate governance evaluation series .

    公司治理系列评价的最终受体为处于公司治理 体系内核 位置 高层 管理团队(TMT)。

  • Top priority is to provide modern services zones ( MCBD ) guidelines for energy management and evaluation system developed systematic integrated approach to the modern service area guidelines for regional energy management planning .

    当务之急,是要为现代服务业集聚区(MCBD)能源 管理制订指导原则和评估 体系,系统性、综合性地指引各现代服务业集聚区开展区域能源管理规划工作。

  • Again top management should set an example for greater respect for the financing platform for the system of internal control budget control accounting control and personnel control implemented .

    再次, 最高 管理者要以身作则,重视和遵守融资平台的内部控制 制度,将预算控制、会计控制和人员控制落到实处。

  • As part of this commitment the top management should designate ( a ) specific management representative ( s ) with defined responsibility and authority for implementing the environmental management system .

    为了显现承诺, 主管须指派一位或多位管理代表,并赋予执行环境管理 系统的明确责任与授权。

  • The organization 's top management shall at intervals that it determines review the OH & S management system to ensure its continuing suitability adequacy and effectiveness .

    组织的 最高 管理者应按规定的时间间隔对职业健康安全管理 体系进行评审,以确保体系的持续适宜性、充分性和有效性。

  • ISO9001 requires top management to review the organization 's quality management system at planned intervals to ensure its continuing suitability adequacy and effectiveness .

    ISO9001要求 最高 管理者,根据计划规定的间隔时间,对组织的质量管理 体系进行评审。

  • Top management shall ensure that communication takes place regarding the effectiveness of the quality management system .

    最高 管理者应确保对质量管理 体系的有效性进行沟通。

  • The top management software of this system provides overall monitoring recording and management functions for it .

    系统 上层 管理软件为其提供了全面的监测、记录和管理功能。

  • The representative should report to top management and communicate with customers and other interested parties on matters pertaining to the quality management system .

    管理者代表应当将有关质量管理 体系的事宜向 最高 管理者报告,并与顾客和其他相关方进行沟通。

  • It could be seen as a top management department of the country 's financial managment system .

    可看成是朝廷封桩财政管理 系统的一 管理机构。

  • Traffic management is the top priority of the management information system therefore a specific software ( including interfaces ) need to be developed to customize the system which can effectively combine the various sub-systems into an integrated information system .

    交通组织管理是本次 管理信息 系统 重,需要对本系统定制开发专门的运行软件(包括接口),将本系统中的各子系统有效集成,组成整体的信息系统。

  • Top management support and user participation are the critical factors of information system success .

    在关于信息 系统成功的研究中, 高层 管理支持和用户参与是两个至关重要的变量。

  • It builds core service layer advanced service layer API layer and application layers on the top of existed logical resources such as computing resource storage resource and database management system .

    在现有的逻辑资源(如计算、存储、 数据库 系统等) 之上构建核心服务层、高级服务层、API层和应用层。

  • So it is the task of top priority of enterprise 's human resources development and management to set up and perfect the performance with rational science and appraisal the system .

    因此,建立和完善科学合理的绩效考评 体系是企业人力资源开发与 管理 当务之急

  • On Difference between Top Management System and Engineering System

    高层 管理 系统与工程系统差异辨析

  • Colleges and universities human resource is a top priority in education resource human resource development and management is the key to personnel system reformation faculty structure education quality and benefit .

    高校人力资源是高校教育资源中的 第一资源,做好高校人力资源的开发与 管理是高校深化人事 制度改革、优化教师队伍结构、提高教育质量和办学效益的关键。

  • The top three processes in the IPD management system are market management process offering requirement process and integrated product development process . The IPD management system has been proved an excellent approach to product development .

    体系 重要的三大流程是市场管理流程、需求 管理流程和集成产品开发流程。