
[tɑ:p daʊn][tɒp daʊn]


  • Students will study algorithms and top-down design and will implement algorithms in a procedural programming language .

    学生将学习算法 正向设计以及用程序性编程语言实现算法。

  • Support for top-down meet-in-the-middle and bottom-up development .

    支持 自顶向下、中间相遇和自底向上的开发。

  • The order in the preceding list is just one example of a top-down approach .

    上表中顺序只是 自顶向下的方法的一个示例。

  • Top-down functional design is not appropriate for the long-term view of software systems which involves change and reuse .

    一个包括变化和复用的软件系统的长期观点来看,由上 的函数设计并不适宜。

  • The business architecture model and the business process model are both part of the top-down approach .

    业务架构模型和业务过程模型都是 自顶向下方法的一部分。

  • It uses recursive manner of a top-down version of the lexical analysis .

    它采用了递归的方式 的对一个文本的词法进行分析。

  • Building architecture is Top-Down and not Bottom-Up .

    构建架构是 自顶向下而不是自底向上的。

  • Quality management requires both a top-down and bottom-up approach to obtain complete integration within the project .

    质量管理需要 自上而下 模式和自下而上模式,以取得项目内部整体整合。

  • This is known as a top-down approach .

    这称为 自顶向下方式。

  • InfoQ : The entire model framework seems to suggest a top-down design paradigm .

    InfoQ:整个模型框架看起来建议 使用 自顶向下的设计范式。如何将它 扩展其他 设计范式?

  • There are basically two approaches to using computers for music composition : top-down and bottom-up .

    基本上有两种用计算机进行音乐作曲的方式: 自上而下和自下而上。

  • More precisely speaking it shows four layers that you should interpret top-down ( for a better understanding ) .

    更准确地讲,图中显示了四个层,您应该 自顶向下对其进行理解(以获得更好的认识)。

  • This section describes how to combine a top-down business-driven approach with a bottom-up approach leveraging legacy investments .

    本节描述了如何利用遗留的投资,来联合 自顶向下的,业务驱动的手段和自底向上的手段。

  • Web services can be built using either a top-down or bottom-up approach .

    Web服务可以使用 自上而下或者自下而上的方法构建。

  • A top-down implementation requires more planning and design work to be completed at the beginning of the project .


  • The to-be process models form the basis of the top-down process decomposition technique .

    “将来”的流程模型构成了 自顶向下的流程分解技术的基础。

  • This alleviates some of the top-down service format requirements while allowing you to develop bottom-up Web services .

    这解决了一些 自上而下服务格式需求,同时又可以开发自下而上的Web服务。

  • In the top-down view a blueprint of business use cases provides the specification for business services .


  • This paper introduces the supply chain modeling methodology based on SCOR and the top-down approach for implementing SCOR model .

    介绍了SCOR模型的建模方法以及实施SCOR模型所采用的 自上而下的步骤,最后探讨了有关供应链建模实施的有关问题。

  • So far we have considered two top-down and two bottom-up approaches .

    到目前为止,我们已经考虑了两种 自顶向下和两种自底向上的方法。

  • Meanwhile an opposing top-down governance approach involves extensive planning and strict policy enforcement .

    与此同时,与之相反的“ 自顶向下”的治理方法包括了周密的计划和严格的政策规范。

  • Legislation addressing climate change would be more effective and inclusive than top-down regulation .

    法律应对气候变化将比 自上而下的监管更为的有效和包容。

  • A political culture of corruption prestige projects and top-down obedience could be hindering china 's scientific revolution .

    的确,政治化腐败,讲排场摆 阔气的工程项目,以及从上到 的纵容之风会阻碍中国的科学革命。

  • Introduced the conception of the top-down design and its technical feature .

    介绍了 自顶向下设计的基本概念和技术特点。

  • Therefore a meet-in-the-middle approach is required rather than pure top-down or bottom-up process .

    因此,需要中间相遇的方法,而不是单纯的 自顶向下或自底向上的流程。

  • An approach was presented for the collaborative calculation of coupled structural parameters during collaborative top-down assembly design .

    提出了 自顶向下协同装配设计中的耦合结构参数的协同计算方法。

  • You can now use a top-down approach to design application systems by starting with system designer .

    现在,可以从系统设计器入手,采用 自上而下的方法来设计应用程序系统。

  • My idea is a combination of bottom-up and top-down approaches .

    我的意见是从下而上和 从上而下相结合的方式。

  • Web services can be created using two approaches : top-down development and bottom-up development .

    Web服务可以通过两种方法来生成: 自顶向下的开发和自底向上的开发。