top-down process

[ˈtɑpˈdaʊn ˈprɑsˌɛs][ˈtɔpdaun ˈprəuses]


  • Through the wide study on image segmentation methods we find that the top-down segment process which utilizes the prior knowledge of the object is an effective method of image object segmentation .

    在广泛研究图像分割的依据和方法的基础上,发现利用对象的先验知识, 采用 Top-down 方法是图像对象分割的有效手段。

  • The integration of bottom-up and top-down process will affect our attention in normal human visual .

    在正常的人类视觉中,自底向上和 自顶向下 处理 过程的结合将会影响我们的注意,并将注意吸引到显著的相关场景部分。

  • In what is called round-trip development the developer uses part of the top-down process followed by parts of the bottom-up process .

    在所谓的往返开发中,开发人员开始时使用一部分自底向上 流程,接着再使用一部分 自顶向下 流程

  • The final coefficient of statistical feature is defined as the first level where information . Integrated with attention mechanism the first level where information can motivate top-down attention and process contextual information over a large area .

    将最终的统计特征系数定义为一级where信息,结合注意机制,一级where信息可以用来驱动 自顶向下的注意, 处理大范围环境空间信息。

  • Text linguistics regards translation as a top-down process i.e. translator should first decide the genre type or communication function of the text in the target language culture and then reproduce the expected text through concrete language structure .

    语篇语言学方法把翻译看作是一个 自上而下top-down)的 过程,即先决定译文在目的语文化中的属性或类型及其交际功能,再通过一个个的语言结构来体现预定的语篇。

  • It 's important to note that you can use the bottom-up process to produce the WSDL that drives the top-down process .

    值得注意的是,您可以使用自底向上流程生成驱动 自顶向下 流程的WSDL。

  • According to top-down design process of big hardware design project and extreme complexity of decoding process make it impractical to directly design DOLBY ACS decoding hardware that is why I devoted myself to successfully designing DOLBY AC3 decoder in system level .

    根据大型项目硬件设计 TOP-DOWN的设计 流程,考虑到DolbyAC3解码的高度复杂性,直接设计DolbyAC3硬件解码器比较困难。

  • Such reusable process components must then necessarily also become subject to the top-down or bottom-up SOA analysis process .

    然后,这类可重用流程组件必须经过 自顶向下或自底向上的SOA分析 流程分析。

  • In fact the awareness process is unconscious and this top-down process can also occur in the subliminal stimuli process .

    实际上,大脑对刺激的觉察过程是无意识的,同时这种 自上而下 加工 过程同样可以发生在对阈下刺激加工过程中。

  • Faced with the rise of China Japan which has long been considered itself a leading-country in Asia must experience a top-down process of psychological adjustment .

    面对中国的崛起,长久以来以亚洲老大自居的日本, 自上而下必需面临一个心理的调适 过程

  • This system is the product of planned economics its characteristic is one kind top-down unidirectional information spreading process which has the administrative order characteristic it have typical characteristics of the administrative promotion system .

    该体系是计划经济时期的产物,其特点是一种 自上而下的具有行政命令特点的单向信息传播 过程,具有典型的行政推广体系特征。

  • This design uses top-down design process when we design the structure of the system and uses bottom-up design process when we realize the function of the modules .

    本设计在设计体系结构时采用的 自顶向下的设计 流程,在功能实现时采用的是自底向上的设计流程。

  • Qualitative evaluation of the implementation is top-down but the process is not the institutional guarantee .

    质性评价的推行是 自上而下的,但是推行的 过程却没有制度性的保证。

  • In this study based on analysis of previous studies we think that the start stimulus familiarity stimulus set and target set size bottom-up strategic process and top-down impact of process and other factors will affect the subliminal semantic priming .

    本研究在分析前人研究的基础上,认为启动刺激熟悉性、刺激集和目标集容量、自下而上的策略性加工和 自上而下的影响性 加工等因素都会对阈下语义启动产生影响。

  • In chapter two it puts more emphasis on the process of listening which includes top-down and bottom-up process .

    在第二章中,文章把更多的重心放在英语听力的过程当中,这一过程包括 自上而下的和自下而上的两种 过程

  • Therefore a meet-in-the-middle approach is required rather than pure top-down or bottom-up process .

    因此,需要中间相遇的方法,而不是单纯的 自顶向下或自底向上的 流程

  • Knowledge representation gain and reuse of knowledge model are introduced in detail . It makes it possible that products are designed with the top-down method and design process are controlled with the controlling of modeling .

    详细叙述知识模型的知识表示、知识获取和知识重用方法。通过对知识的获取和重用,实现产品 自顶向下的设计;运用知识 模型的建模控制方法实现产品的设计控制。

  • According to schema theory there are two ways in the process of listening comprehension bottom-up process and top-down process .

    根据图式理论,听力理解过程存在两种信息加工方式:即 自上而下 自下而上的加工方式。

  • When a reader applies his background knowledge to guide him through reading he in effect adopts the top-down process to make prediction ami assumptions about the incoming text .

    当读者运用背景知识指导自己进行阅读时,他实际上采用的是 自上而下的阅读 过程,读者根据自己的知识和经验对阅读材料作出预测和假设。

  • Focused on the hardware design of the fibre channel link layer this paper applied modularization thinking in the top-down design process with relevant IP core interfaces .

    以模块化的 方式采用 自顶向下的设计思路,重点阐述了光纤通道链路层的硬件设计 方法,并给出了IP核的相关接口。

  • Top-down analysis ( through process modeling )

    自顶向下分析(通过 流程建模)

  • Different from exhaust system noise traditional control NVH top-down design process starts from the target and also bases on sound quality demand of customer .

    而且区别于传统的排气系统噪声控制, 目标噪声出发,兼顾顾客的声品质需求。

  • The clue word could cause a top-down attention process and the attention could select the following stimulus .

    对文字提示词的 加工会引发一个 自上而下的注意 加工 过程,这种注意能够对后面的刺激具有选择性、产生 期待

  • Finally none of the existing disciplines address how existing applications can be enabled for SOA ; a top-down process is employed most of the time .

    最后,现有的规则中没有一个可以解决如何为SOA启用现有的应用程序的问题;大部分时间都采用 自顶向下 流程

  • When you lack top-down visibility on your process these kinds of questions can be challenging and time-consuming to answer .

    当您不能 自顶向下地观察您的 过程时,回答这种问题将是复杂,且耗费时间的。

  • On the Negative Effects of Learners ' Contextual Knowledge Schematic listening comprehension pattern emphasizes that the listeners rely more heavily on top-down process which involves activation of schematic knowledge and contextual knowledge .

    图式听力理解模式强调听者在听力理解过程中对输入信息进行 处理 自上而下 过程,听者固有的背景知识(即图式)和图式的激活(activation)或示例化(instantiation)对听力理解的作用。

  • In this case management may be unplugged from reality and top-down efforts to change process will be met with resistance .

    在这种情况下,管理将会远离真实, 上到 的改变 过程的努力也将受到阻碍。

  • The basic conception design processing and main character of the Top-Down design were introduced . Based on the famous CAD / CAM / CAE software Pro / Engineer the Top-Down design process of shoe tree casting mould was also presented .

    介绍模具Top-Down设计的基本思想、设计流程及其主要特点,并基于Pro/Engineer软件平台,以一鞋楦模具为设计对象, 例示模具 Top-Down 设计 方法的主要设计 过程

  • The to-be process models form the basis of the top-down process decomposition technique .

    “将来”的流程模型构成了 自顶向下 流程分解技术的基础。