top base

[tɑp bes][tɔp beis]


  • Ms. Glen said the city gave NYC Company an additional $ 1 million last year on top of its base allocation of about $ 12 million .

    格伦表示, 除了大约1200万美元的 基础资金以外,纽约市去年又为 NYCCompany额外提供了100万美元。

  • Furthermore the research also found that pinnate petiole color and type of leaf top or base were significant for the taxonomy too .

    此外,研究还发现羽片回数、叶柄颜色、 叶尖和叶 类型等也有很重要的分类价值。

  • Leaving it out can cause problems such as being unable to pan at all or having additional layers badly misaligned on top of the base layer .

    如果不指定,可能会出问题,比如根本不能平移或是有额外的层在 基层 不能很好地对齐。

  • Vice presidents with three years of experience in the same area could expect a55 % cut in bonus to $ 200 to $ 250 on top of a base of $ 130 to $ 150 .

    拥有三年同一领域工作经历的副总裁,他们的奖金可能会削减55%至20万 -25万美元;他们 基础年薪是13万-15万美元。

  • The maximum stress occurred at its base So the landslide top and its base area should be given prevention when it was constructed and governed for example lengthening and encrypting the anchor cable .

    最大应力出现在坡底。故施工治理时对滑坡 顶端及坡 部位应重点防护,如加长加密锚索。

  • Currents of flowing liquid are caused by the difference in temperature between the top and the base of this zone .

    流动的液态流是由这个流体带 顶端 之间的温差引起的。

  • The NRA decreased accordingly from the top to the base of the stem .

    NRA在茎上各叶位中的分布由 顶部 逐渐减少。

  • Most of NF membranes developed recently are composite membranes i.e. with an active layer on top of the base membrane .

    目前绝大部分的纳滤膜属于复合膜,即在一 基膜 复合一活性层。

  • The allowance which was introduced recently is believed to be 15 per cent on top of an employees base salary .

    普遍认为这份近期公布的补贴为员工 基本 工资的15%。

  • The vertical distribution Brix in main stem or tiller are : nodal distance above middle node is higher top and base modal distance are lower .

    无论是主茎还是分蘖,其茎秆糖锤度的垂直分布为中部偏上节间较高, 上部 下部节间较低。

  • The sensitivity analysis computes the rate of change of eigenvalue with respect to thickness of gearbox wall . Top casing top wall base front wall and base side walls are the four gearbox walls that are considered in the analysis .

    灵敏度分析是计算齿轮箱上箱体 顶部、上箱体壁,下 箱体前壁和侧壁的厚度对结构特征值的改变率。

  • The towers are further apart at the top than at the base but this is no mistake .

    两座塔楼的 楼顶之间的距离比楼 底部之间的距离要大一些,但这并不是失误。

  • At the top of the base and the spike of the mature sperm PAS-reaction was a little positive which was different from the results reported by other researchers .

    在成熟精子 主体前端和棘状部有少量PAS阳性物质,这与前人的研究有很大的不同。

  • The latter is related to the relative shear deformation between the top and base of shear band through a simple geometrical relation .

    后者 剪切带的相对剪切变形具有简单的几何关系。

  • Combined with core and fractal data these maps are used to identify fractures in the top of base rock of An - 1 faulted - block and to predict fracture distribution .

    利用这些图件及岩心分析资料,综合分析了安1断块 基岩裂缝的分布及发育规律。

  • The database manager creates and maintains two sets of system catalog views that are defined on top of the base system catalog tables .

    数据库管理器创建和维护两组系统编目视图,这些视图是在 基本系统编目表 之上定义的。

  • Fracture Identification and Prediction in the Top of Base Rock of An - 1 Faulted - block in Liaohe Oil Field

    辽河油田安1断块 基岩 顶部的裂缝识别与预测

  • In the vicinity of top and base of specimen compressive stress-lateral displacement curve exhibits snap-back behavior ( Class II behavior ) once peak stress is reached owing to that the recovery of elastic strain is faster than increase of plastic strain .

    在试样的 端面附近,由于弹性应变的恢复快于塑性应变的增加,因而,轴向压缩应力&侧向位移曲线出现了快速回跳现象。

  • Through the push over analysis of two tall concrete buildings with different structure types the influence of second order effect on top drift and base overturning moment had been discussed in detail .

    对两栋不同结构体系的高层混凝土建筑进行了推覆分析,详细讨论了二阶效应对结构 顶点侧移和 基底倾覆力矩的影响。

  • Any optional packages that are installed on top of the base CDC and CLDC APIs are treated as profiles that are standardized using the JSR process .

    任何一个可选择性的包,是安装在 基于CDC和CLDC的API 之上的,是加工过的就像“个人档案”。它是标准化的使用这个JSR进程。

  • Every sheet panel except the panel at the top and at the base can be freely adjusted at a pitch of50mm.The rack is now leveled with that in developed countries .

    顶层 底层不可调节外,层与层均以50MM节距任意调节,本产品已达到当代发展国家同类产品水平。

  • It is the Observer pattern on top of the base web services infrastructure that gives DEBA its callback capability .

    基本Web服务结构 之上采用观察者模式,就为DEBA带来了回调能力。

  • When reconstructing Xi an TV tower steel beams and columns will be added at the top and base of the tower .

    西安电视塔的装修改造,要求在塔楼、 塔座增设部分钢梁、钢柱,而工程结构由于使用不当或 任意改建引起的事故经常发生。

  • This paper works over the construction management of Tianjin top quality metalwork base . This project locates in Binhai New Area and invested by Tianjin metallurgy group .

    本文研究的是天津 高档金属制品 基地的建设管理,该项目是天津冶金集团投资建设的大型工程,落户于天津滨海新区,目前仍在建设之中。

  • Pavement structure is constituted of subgrade ( on top ) cushion base and surface . It is the part which is most straight bear load and environment effects in road engineering .

    路面结构由路基( 顶部)、垫层、 基层和面层组成,它是道路工程中最直接承受荷载和环境作用的部分。

  • It shouldn 't surprise anyone that there 's a top secret base out in the middle of the Nevada desert .

    内华达沙漠中部有一个这样的军事 基地其实并不奇怪。

  • The sugar content and the activity of acidic inverase in young ear during the boot stage decreased progressively from the top to the base of the young ear .

    孕穗期穗中各部位糖含量和转化酶活力,自穗 向下递减。

  • Grace : Looking at your sketch I think it can be done . I have to find a way to secure the wood top with the metal base .

    从您的描绘看来是可以做到的。我必须找到如何把木 固定在金属 底座上。

  • The stability analysis method could evaluate the stability of the colluvial slopes from the top to the base and provide technical basis for the governance program of high slop .

    此稳定性分析方法可从 坡顶至坡 全面地评价堆积层边坡稳定状态,为各坡高地段的治理方案提供技术依据。

  • A special form of the Stewart platform is presented in which the top platform and base platform are similar and corresponding vertices are connected by six prismatic joints .

    讨论了一种 、下平台相似且对应顶点相联的 Stewart机构。