top feed

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  • The top pressure of HP column was controlled by adjusting the feed flow rate to LP FLP .

    在这个控制方案中,HP塔的 塔顶压力的控制通过调节LP塔 量来实现。

  • This paper investigates the mechanism of the top burr formation on the feed direction in micro-milling slots .

    研究在微细铣削槽加工过程中 进给方向上的 顶端毛刺生成机理。

  • Analysis on data from small-trial and industrial trial production indicates that the technique is feasible to produce synthetic hydrocarbon lube oil with coking top cycle oil as feed .

    通过小试和工业试生产数据分析表明,以焦化 循油做 原料,生产合成烃润滑油技术可行;

  • Notice the user poll displayed at the top of the page and the community service feed box entitled . NET Tips & Tricks at the lower-right side of the page .

    请注意,用户投票显示在页面的 顶部,社区服务 供给箱标题“.NETTips&Tricks”位于页面的右下角。

  • The heavy duty hopper mounted on top of the conveyor is capable of being rear loaded by a shovel and is ribbed and stiffened to withstand impact from the feed source .

    安装于输送设备 顶端的重型漏斗可以通过挖斗机从后面进行装料。输送设备由勒筋加固以抵御 产生的冲击。

  • The quality and quantity of products from column top and bottom will be influenced greatly because of the quite great fluctuation of the feed and its composition to the Depropanizators System if the operating conditions keep unchanged .

    某化工厂的 双塔脱丙烷流程的 和进 组成的变化波动较大,若不及时改善双脱丙烷塔的操作条件,产品的质量和数量将受到很大的影响。

  • Also coking top cycle oil as raw oil is better than soft wax as feed through cracking olefin to synthesise lube oil .

    以焦化 循油为原料生产润滑油比以软蜡为 原料,裂解烯烃合成润滑油更经济合理。

  • A thickener comprises a tank body with a bottom provided with a sand discharge port and a top provided with a feed port ;

    一种浓密机,包括罐体,所述罐体的底部设置有放砂孔,其 顶部设置有 口;

  • Click on Run at the top left of the screen to see the feed output .

    单击屏幕 顶部左边的Run,查看 feed的输出。

  • Ricardo Leiman chief executive of noble the trading house that is one of the top oilseed processors in China cited enormous demand there because of stronger economy stronger habits very strong feed milling margins and very strong prices domestically .

    该集团首席执行官里卡多雷曼(ricardo leiman)称中国存在“巨大的需求”,因为“中国的经济更为强劲,饮食习惯更侧重主食, 饲料加工利润很高,国内粮价非常坚挺”。

  • In each of the top five indices of the result array this function stores the provider name total number of feed items received title array URL array and the description array respectively .

    在结果数组的 5个索引中,此函数分别存储了提供者名称、收到的 提要条目的总数、标题数组、URL数组和描述数组。

  • During the process the solvent introduced at the top of the column is separated from the liquid flow downwards by equilibrium distillation in the solvent reboiler and the feed reboiler contains only feed mixture of which boiling point is much lower than that of the solvent .

    操作过程中,混有溶剂的 塔内液相直接流入溶剂再沸器,经简单蒸馏后,汽相返回 原料再沸器,而富含溶剂的液相留在溶剂再沸器中。

  • Tomatoes need regular care fertile top soil heat feed and water .

    番茄需要常规护理,肥沃的 表层土壤,热量, 肥料和水分。

  • Analysis on benefit shows that coking top cycle oil as feed to manufacture lube oil is more economic and reasonable than to produce naphtha .

    通过效益分析,表明以焦化 循油做 原料,生产润滑油比生产石脑油更经济合理;

  • Accordingly the status update field is at the top of the home interface with the feed below it .

    因此,理所当然地,状态更新应处于主屏幕的 顶端,下面是 feed