to the good

[tu ði ɡʊd][tu: ðə ɡud]


  • I try to remember all the good times I 've had here .

    我试着回忆在这里度过的所有 美好时光。

  • Furlaud urged him to resign for the good of the country

    弗劳德敦促他 为了国家 利益辞职。

  • I long for a trip to the Cape of good hope .

    我渴望 好望角去旅行。

  • Now we get to the good stuff .

    现在我们 研究 东西了。

  • I will always be grateful to the good people of my state .

    我感谢 优秀 竞选团,感谢你们所有人付出的 努力

  • My good sir I swear to you by the good God that not a soul has entered this house all day nor all the evening and that I have not even left the door .

    我的好先生,我在 慈悲的上帝面前 您发誓,今天一整天,一整晚,都没有人到这里 过,我也没有离开过大门!

  • I am determined to keep the good styles and personalities of a farmer such as diligence plainness and sincerity .

    永远保持农家子弟的风范,勤劳、质朴、 厚道、真诚真心 人,无怨无悔。

  • And the king granted me according to the good hand of my God upon me .

    王就允准我,因我神施恩 帮助我。

  • We are waiting to hear the good news .

    敬候 佳音

  • But I do feel duty bound to come back to contribute to the good tradition of academic debating in Oxford .

    但是我觉得自己有责任回来,为延续牛津 良好 学术辩论传统出一份力。

  • Such policies if they were adhered to would eventually lead to a fall in the euro and a rise in inflation which would be all to the good .

    这些政策如果得以贯彻,最终将导致欧元贬值、通胀上升,但这些都是 有益

  • What we do know for sure is this : Jesus will not return until everyone God wants to hear the good news has heard it .

    但我们确知:除非神拣选 听闻 福音 人都听到福音了,否则耶稣不会再来。

  • It has been witness to the both good and evil

    它见证了人世的 与恶

  • It 's so nice to hear the good news .

    听到 这个消息真是太 高兴了。

  • The opportunities for normal everyday Christians to become involved in short - term international missions are now literally limitless . Every corner of the world is available to you-just ask the travel industry . We have no excuse not to spread the good news .

    一般的基督徒有数之不尽的机会去参加短期国际宣教,旅行社可代你安排世界每一个角落,我们实在没有藉口不 福音

  • Operating a successful business is supposed to be a ticket to the good life & but sometimes it comes at a cost .

    事业成功理应是 通向 美好生活 入场券&但有时,这是需要付出代价的。

  • You 're so eager to stay in the good graces of the King that nothing else matters to you .

    你如此 急于博得国王 欢心,以致其他事情都不管不顾了。

  • So Alibaba is headed to the good ole ' U.S. of A.

    因此, 家电子商务公司就看上了美国 沃土

  • God wants you to share the good news where you are .

    你在目前的岗位上 人分享 消息。

  • This should not present an obstacle to the development of good relations between our two countries .

    这不应妨碍我们两国之间 良好关系 发展。

  • Actually I just like flowers and I want to make the yard good looking .

    事实上,我只是喜欢花而且我 把院子弄 漂亮些。

  • Combine those three factors Tichy believes and the effect could be significant : these are serious flaws that can potentially set GM back to the good old days .

    根据以上三点, 蒂奇认为可能会导致严重的后果:“这些都是重大的缺陷,可能致使通用汽车重蹈覆辙。”

  • Because the rate of change is increasing in our world more people are open to hearing the good news now than ever before .

    由于世界正在不断加速改变,很多人 对于 福音的态度是前所未有 开放。

  • He had an amazing ability to find the good and to find a reason to be happy .

    发现 事物 一面和开心的理由方面有着惊人的能力。

  • You have to take the good with bad .

    生活中, 好事和坏事你都 面对。

  • Actually sometimes learning to deal with the good is harder .

    事实上,有时, 学会面对 好事更难一些。

  • It is crucial to make the good impression from the very first day .

    从第一天就留下个 印象是十分重要

  • Having predestinated us unto the adoption of children by Jesus Christ to himself according to the good pleasure of his will

    又因爱我们,就按着自己 意旨所喜悦 ,豫定我们,藉着耶稣基督得儿子的名分