to the manner born

[tu ði ˈmænɚ bɔrn][tu: ðə ˈmænə bɔ:n]


  • He drove the car as to the manner born .

    他驾驶这辆车, 好像 生来 就会开车似的。

  • My son Robert is playing Henry V in the school play and suites the role as if to the manner born .

    我儿子罗伯特在学校排演的剧中演亨利五世,好像 天生 适合扮这个角色。

  • She isn 't a practiced public speaker but she faced her audience as if to the manner born .

    她虽无演讲经验,但 似乎 生来并不怯场。

  • He was a gentleman to the manner born .

    他是一个 天生 君子。

  • She took to here new life as to the manner born .

    自然而然 开始了新生活。

  • You needn 't have worried & you played the part of hostess as if to the manner born .

    你事先根本不担心&你 似乎 天生的女主人。