

  • The premiere of Toby . Temple 's first movie had gone remarkably well .

    托比的第一部影片的首映式 引起强烈 轰动

  • If Toby had become a folk hero then Jill had become a heroine .

    如果说 托比成了民间传说中的英雄,那么,吉尔就成了位女英雄。

  • Toby was the hottest property in show business .

    托比 影视界的 瑰宝

  • As quick as lightning Toby climbed up and pulled Oliver after him .

    比尔闪电般地爬上了 ,随后把 奥利弗也拉了上去。

  • Toby 's face puckered


  • LA man Toby Sheldon says Justin Bieber is his inspiration .

    美国 加州男子 托比谢尔顿说贾斯丁比伯是他的灵感之源。

  • Toby came to my rescue .


  • Now with my hair grown long again I will be cool thought Toby happily .

    现在等我的毛 长长了我就会 哭了。

  • It was as though Toby had been kicked in the stomach .


  • Television stations had a Toby Temple Week and ran his old variety shows .

    电视台 安排托比·坦普尔节目周,放映他过去 的杂耍

  • I want Toby to stay here with me .


  • Actors West had the smell of professionalism . Toby could sense it the moment he walked in the door .

    西部演员 学校有点专业性 气氛托比一进门就觉察到了这一点。

  • It was inconceivable to me that Toby could have been my attacker

    真想不到 托比竟会是袭击我的人。

  • Colour Toby 's book orange .


  • What 's the news toby ? What 's the news ?

    有什么消息吗, 托比?有没有消息?

  • Colour Toby 's pen red .


  • Everybody but Toby enters into this skirmish .

    除了 托比外,全家人都投入了这场小冲突。

  • Toby sat down heavily on the bed . He drops upon his posteriors .


  • Not today okay toby ? I 've got enough problems .

    今天不要,我够 的了。

  • He was once a Toby of yours wasn 't he !

    它曾经做过你们的 ,你看不是它吗?

  • The Martell Cup Chase was won by the evens favourite Toby Tobias .

    最被同额赌注赌家看好的 托比·托拜厄斯赢得了马特尔杯追逐赛。

  • Where 's toby ? He 's normally so punctual .


  • Toby will write to Colin and tell him about his new plan .


  • Colour Toby 's pencil-case blue .


  • I started to feel Toby was driving a wedge between us .

    我开始觉得 托比挑拨我们之间的关系。

  • Toby come over here and let me fix your hair .


  • Toby may have given you these books but don 't start celebrating yet .


  • Now I am not different from others and I am cool thought Toby happily .


  • Colour Toby 's pencil pink .


  • I don 't like the sound of Toby Osborne

    我不喜欢 托比·奥斯伯恩的那一套。