


  • Measure the toe-in and thrust angle of car using PSD

    采用PSD测量汽车的 和推进角

  • The paper also introduces the method to perfect the theoretical formula on toe-in design by means of side slip test .

    文中还介绍了以检测 汽车侧滑的方法来完善设计 的理论计算式。

  • Incorrect toe-in or toe-out is the most frequent cause of rapid tire-tread wearing .

    不正确 脚趾或脚趾的是最常见的原因迅速轮胎胎面磨损。

  • This alignment gives the front wheels a slight toe-in when the car is at rest .

    汽车停着的时侯, 恰当的定位 使前轮稍微具有

  • The shoes for correcting the walking posture of the utility model can help the user to overcome the bad habit of toe-out walking or toe-in walking .

    本实用新型能够帮助人们克服 走路“外八”或“内八”的不良习惯。

  • Checking and Measurement Method of Automobile Toe-in

    汽车 检查测量方法

  • The kinematic toe-in is not adjustable .

    运动 不可调整。

  • The Mechanical Property Research on Front Wheel with Toe-in and Camber Angle

    车轮 存在 外倾 力学特性的研究

  • In this paper a new concept on cornering force of toe-in was put forward .

    同时,提出了 侧偏力概念 商讨。

  • The artide introduces the toe-in propulsion angle steering axle inclination and caster of four-wheel aligner and theirs influence to vehicle stability .

    综述四轮定位的 、推进角、主销内倾角、主销后 倾角等参数对汽车行驶性能的影响。介绍了 诊断角在四轮定位中的应用。

  • Noteworthily the variation of the toe-in angle caused by the separating force may be neglected but the effect of the separating force on the wall thickness is remarkable .

    结果表明,轧制力引起的轧辊 轧角变化可以忽略,而轧制力对轧件壁厚的影响是显著的;

  • Design match for toe-in of steering wheel and wheel camber

    汽车转向轮 与车轮外倾角的设计匹配

  • Adjustment of Vehicle Toe-in by Reference to a Relative Value


  • This paper emphatically studies the mechanical property of front wheel which has toe-in and camber angle and the basic reasons bringing to front wheel drive system faults . It will offer theoretical basis to reasonably raise and formulate system diagnosis parameters .

    分析了具有 倾角 角的转向车轮的力学特性及引起前轮行驶系统故障的根本原因,为合理地提出和制定该系统的诊断参数提供理论依据。

  • Based on the theoretical derivation of the relations between camber angle length of tyre tread imprint and toe-in this paper describes how to measure some parameters related to the toe-in value of urban buses and how to determine an ideal toe-in value .

    从理论上推证出轮胎外倾角、 地印痕长度与 的关系,指出了城市公共汽车前束相关参数的测量方法及如何确定较为理想的前束值。

  • Research on the Rightful Matching with Toe-in and Camber of Wheels

    车轮外倾角与 合理匹配的研究

  • Automatic Control of Toe-in of Non Steering Axle with Swing Shaft

    摆动半轴汽车非转向桥的自动 控制

  • Study on the Toe-in Design

    汽车 设计的探讨

  • It is one of trailing arm suspension that can only be applied in the rear axle and cannot be applied in the front steering axle so there are only two wheel alignment parameters : toe-in and camber .

    它属于纵臂式悬架,只能用于后轮,且不能用于转向轮,因此其定位参数只有车轮 和外倾角两种。