to the skies

[tu ði skaɪz][tu: ðə skaiz]


  • Her first novel was praised to the skies .

    她的第一部小说受到了 极高 好评

  • For Your lovingkindness is great above the heavens And Your truth reaches to the skies .

    诗108:4因为你的慈爱大过诸天.的诚实 达到 穹苍

  • He praises them up to the skies .


  • It 's annoying to see a rival 's work lauded to the skies .

    看到对手的工作被人捧 上天,真是令人讨厌。

  • Every year flying cars fail to take to the skies is a disappointment .

    每一年, 天空中都未能出现飞翔的汽车, 真是令人失望。

  • He was exalted to the skies .

    他被捧 上天了。

  • Their performance was praised to the skies by the spectators .

    他们的 演出受到观众 高度赞扬。

  • All the girls praised the new dancer to the skies .

    所有的女孩子都把这位新 舞蹈演员 上了

  • The storm heaved the sea to the skies .

    风暴中,海面上白浪 滔天

  • He praised the woman to the skies .

    他对这位女士大 称赞

  • In1783 two other Frenchmen stepped forward and said they would take to the skies in a Montgolfier balloon .

    1783年,另两位法国人把热气球的研制向前推进了一步,他们说会用热气球把自己送上 天空

  • The teacher was extolling her work to the skies .

    教师 极力称赞她功课

  • At one moment the boat seemed lifted to the skies and the next it sank down and appeared to be lost beneath the waves !

    某一时刻,小船似乎被提升 了和 天空 一样高,然而下一时刻,她就下沉到似乎将消失在波浪之中。

  • They have lauded detente peace and security to the skies .

    他们把缓和、和平、安 全吹 天花乱坠。

  • I want to live long . I 'm looking forward to a day when I can extricate myself from the mire and fly to the skies by taking advantages of a thunder-storm .

    我还盼望着总有那么一天,我可以从污泥中拔出我的身子,我要乘雷飞上 天空

  • They overpraised him to the skies as a man of limitless might .

    他们把他捧上 ,说他是神力无穷的人。

  • He was praised up to the skies .


  • The beating of gongs and drums resounded to the skies .

    锣鼓声 响彻云霄

  • In a year I 'll take you to the skies mother !

    不出一年,我就叫你过上 日子,妈妈!

  • Your love o lord reaches to the heavens your faithfulness to the skies .

    耶和华阿、你的慈爱、上及诸天。你的信实、 达到 穹苍

  • Your righteousness reaches to the skies O God you who have done great things .

    神阿,你 公义 高。

  • He should he good-his last boss praises him to the skies .

    他应该很好,他以前的老板极 赏识他。

  • All the football fans praised the football star to the skies .

    所有的球迷把这个足球名星 上了

  • The writer was extolled to the skies .
