to yield to...


  • The best way to resist temptation is to yield to it .

    抵制诱惑的最佳办法是 屈从 诱惑。

  • He wasn 't the kind of person to yield to illness .

    他不是那种 疾病 屈服的人。

  • It 's best to yield to your grief for a time then you will be able to deal with your feelings .

    眼下你 不要 遏制自己悲痛的心情,过后你会控制住自己的感情的。

  • Boston 's traditional drab brick was slow to yield to the modern glass palaces of so many American urban areas .

    波士顿传统而单调的砖石建筑并没有迅速被许多美国城市地区流行的现代玻璃大厦所 取代

  • Market participants interpreted the action as a signal that China has no intention to yield to foreign pressure for a faster appreciation of the renminbi against the currencies of its western trade partners although there was no firm evidence of this .

    市场人士认为,尽管没有确切证据,但此举暗示,中国不 打算 屈从 外国要求人民币兑西方贸易伙伴国货币加速升值的压力。

  • The government refused to yield to the hostage takers'demand .

    政府不 那些绑匪的要求做出 让步

  • It seemed that the bird had had its fill of teasing him or it might have decided to yield to his soft entreaties . anyway it finally flew away .


  • Well that 's sad . I 'm not about to yield to suggestions that the Chinese have a better justice system than us though .

    好吧,那很令人 伤心。但是我还是不认为中国的司法系统会比我们更公正。

  • You will meet much evil in life ; try not to yield to temptation .

    你将在生活中遇到许多邪恶,千万不 受其 诱惑

  • To yield to urging or demand ; give in .

    放弃激励或要求; 屈服,让步。

  • Lose money when the market is unwilling to yield to the unpleasant task of top earning the same time as Toujian dare not boldly to win so on natural-capital loss is not surprising .

    亏钱的时候不肯 市场 屈服,硬着头皮顶,赚钱的时候像偷钱一样不敢大胆去赢,如此下去,本钱亏光自然不足为奇。

  • Something in him refused to yield to unconsciousness .

    他身上有某种东西 不愿 丧失知觉。

  • We degenerate into hideous puppets haunted by the memory of the passions of which we were too much afraid and the exquisite temptations that we had not the courage to yield to .

    我们退化成丑陋的傀儡,经常回忆我们曾经十分害怕的激情和我们没有勇气 屈服的绝妙的诱惑。

  • A problem rooted in natural urges is unlikely to yield to legal quick fixes .

    一个根植于自然原始冲动的问题并不太 可能 通过法律捷径得以解决。

  • The only way to get rid of a temptation is to yield to it .

    摆脱诱惑的唯一方法是 屈服 它。

  • It was unseemly to yield to such pressure .

    要是 屈服 这种压力,那是不体面的。

  • They charged the driver with failure to yield to a police officer and driving under the influence .

    他们控告该司机 违抗警察以及酒后驾驶。

  • Inclined to yield to argument or influence or control .

    屈服 争论、影响或控制。

  • The principle of the game is that while each player prefers not to yield to the other the outcome where neither player yields is the worst possible one for both players .

    这个游戏的原则是,虽然游戏双方都不 愿意 屈服 对方,但是双方都不认输的结局对两方玩家来说却是最糟糕的结局。

  • Knuckle under to yield to pressure ; give in .

    外界压力作出让步; 屈服

  • Radio has long been under pressure to yield to television .

    长久以来广播一直承受着被电视 取代的压力。

  • She refused to yield to his demands .

    拒绝 他的要求 让步

  • The count fearing to yield to the entreaties of heR he had so ardently loved called hi sufferings to the assistance of his hatred .

    因为他曾热烈地爱过她,他深怕自己会被她的恳求 软化,就回忆起他当时受苦的情形来帮助自己坚定仇恨。

  • Rushworth being obliged to yield to Lady Bertram 's staying at home could only be sorry .


  • At last the stiff door began to yield to our efforts to push it open .

    最后,那扇紧关着的门 开始经不住我们 使劲的推动了。

  • The only way to get rid of temptation is to yield to it

    摆脱诱惑的唯一方式是 臣服 诱惑

  • When a pedestrian deliberately refuses to yield to the vehicle the driver may continuously honk and pass .

    行车中遇故意不 避让车辆的行人时,可连续鸣喇叭加速通过。

  • To avoid a nasty surprise the Europeans will probably need to yield to Greece 's demands .

    为避免出现任何不可收拾的后果,欧洲人可能需要 希腊的要求 作出 让步