to zoom out

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  • The size of pretreatment image is related to the speed of image segmentation so we need the image zoom in and out .

    预处理图像的大小,关系 图像分割的速度,所以要就对图像 进行 处理。

  • To show more or less time on the Gantt Chart click the Zoom In or Zoom Out on the Standard toolbar .

    如果 在“甘特图”上显示更多或更少的时间,请单击“常用”工具栏上的“ 放大”或“ 缩小”按钮。

  • In this paper it is introduced how to transform the bitmaps into vectors in order to zoom in and zoom out the electronic maps without disturbance .

    简要地介绍了利用矢量化算法对位图进行处理的过程,用 满足电子地图的无 失真 放大缩小功能。

  • On the Apple Watch the crown can be twisted to zoom in or out of the screen or to scroll through a web page .

    在AppleWatch上,可以旋转表冠 放大 缩小屏幕上的图标,或者上下滑动浏览网页。

  • At this point you have a fully functional map pulling data in from multiple sources including default functionality to pan with the mouse and zoom in and out with the mouse wheel .

    此时,您就拥有了一个完全可以发挥作用的地图,可从多个资源拉入数据,包括默认的用鼠标平移以及 鼠标滑轮 缩放的功能。

  • The spatial planning tool has provided various functions related to the planning such as interactive planning based on vector graphic cells bidirectional query between graphics and attributes regional selection and statistics zoom in / out and roam and 3D animation playing based on SVG raster formats .

    该工具提供了 规划相关的功能,包括人机交互规划,数图双向查询,区域选择统计, 放大 缩小漫游和三维动画演播等功能。

  • Dr. Brady said that when his team used the device to take a photograph of the Seattle skyline they were able to zoom in and read the In and Out signs written on a parking garage located half a mile away .

    布拉迪是这台10亿像素相机研发团队的领头人,他说其团队在用它来拍摄西雅图天际线的图片时,能够 图片 放大看到半英里之外一个停车库上写着的入口和 出口标识。

  • We are giving you the freedom of using all of both of your hands so you can actually use both of your hands to zoom into or zoom out of a map just by pinching all present .

    我们让你可以用两只手全部,所以可以用两只手 放大 缩小&地图,用捏的。

  • Hillcrest Labs demonstrated how it could add a dimension to boring on-screen programme guides with a motion-sensing controller that could zoom in and out of a media collection or channel line-up .

    HillcrestLabs演示了自己如何利用一个传感控制器, 枯燥的屏幕程序向导添加一个维度。该传感控制器能够将媒体 画面 放大 缩小,或使各个频道排列 显示

  • Use the up or down keys to zoom in and out .

    使用上下键放大或 缩小 视图

  • The ability to zoom in and out to any level made a lot more possible .

    可以 放大缩小,到达任何层面,让更多的成为可能。

  • What makes this panoramic photo interesting to viewers is that you can zoom in and out move up or down or change your view – much like with Google Street View maps .

    使浏览者对这张全景照片感兴趣的是你可以 放大缩小、上下移动或者改变你的视野&非常类似于谷歌的街景地图。

  • Corrected two-finger double-tap zoom-out behavior in Image and PDF Viewer to completely zoom out .

    修正两根手指双击放大图像和PDF浏览器时反而完全 缩小 错误

  • Map navigation tools allow you to zoom in and out pan and select and display the alphanumeric values associated with each graphic object .

    地图导航工具可实现 放大 缩小,平移地图,选择和显示与每个图形象相关联的字母数字值。

  • One use for a mouse wheel in an application is in Web sites that let you upload photos to let you zoom in and out with the mouse wheel .

    鼠标滚轮在应用程序中的应用之一是能让您上传图片的Web站点, 可以通过鼠标滚轮来 图片进行 放大缩小

  • This is the magnifying glass icon with the minus sign on it and provides the ability to step-wise zoom out .

    这是一个放大镜图标,上面有一个减号,提供逐步 缩小的能力。

  • This form was designed to achieve the most basic operations ( such as on the CAD graphic file open save print translation real-time zoom zoom window zoom in and out ) and the display channel area of engineering data earth .

    本窗体的设计是 实现一些最基本的操作(对CAD图形文件的打开、保存、打印、平移、实时 放大、窗口缩放、放大和 缩小)和显示渠道工程相关数据。

  • When using dedicated attachments in macro and wide-angle filters and lenses you need to zoom out to avoid the black circle that will appear on the corners of your frame .

    如果你用 外置镜头比如微距或者广角,就不要用 光学 变焦,要不然会得到周围的暗角效果。

  • Use the comma and period button as necessary to zoom and in out if you need .

    使用逗号和必要期间按钮 放大 指出,如果你需要。

  • Use Ctrl with the + key to zoom in Ctrl with the – key to zoom out ( this is especially helpful when using full-screen mode )

    使用Ctrl与+键来放大,Ctrl与–键 缩小(全屏幕模式下这将十分有用)

  • In print preview you can zoom in to see details or zoom out to see how well data is positioned on the page .

    在“打印预览”中,可以放大 查看细节,也可以 缩小以查看数据在页面上的位置布局。