total surface area

[ˈtotl ˈsɚfəs ˈɛriə][ˈtəutəl ˈsə:fis ˈɛəriə]


  • Effects of early escharectomy on plasma arachidonic acid products in dogs with 40 % total body surface area burns

    40% 体表 面积烫伤犬早期切痂对血浆花生四烯酸代谢产物的影响

  • The change of surface energy calculated from the change of the total surface area before and after pressure solution and recrystallization is 0.133J / cm3 which can serve as a measure of the magnitude of stress .

    由压溶和重结晶前后矿物 总表 面积的变化推算的矿物表面能的变化为0.133J/cm~3,以衡量应力强度。

  • This U has two legs for a total surface area of75 square inches .

    型硅碳棒有两段, 辐射 面积则为75平方英寸。

  • Prediction of the total molecular surface area by neural network

    神经网络法预测分子 总表 面积的研究

  • The stem length total biomass total surface area of root and yield of rice were increased by 20.6 % 30 % 36.6 % and 45.3 % respectively .

    AMF强化使水稻的株高、总生物量、根系 总表 面积、产量分别提高了20.6%、30%、36.6%、45.3%。

  • Besides the ionic conductance increased on an electrochemical treatment at a high potential ( 1.6V vs. RHE ) attributable to the increases in ionizable surface groups and / or total electrochemical surface area .

    此外,电极经高端电势(1.6Vvs.RHE)处理后,离子电导明显增加了,可解释为可 电离官能团增加和/或电化学 面积增大。

  • Its total surface area was seven thousand square feet .

    它的 总表 面积为7平方英尺。

  • The result showed that the linear correlation lay between particulates numerial concentration total surface area mass concentration and particle diameters and the peak value of airborne particulate concentration lay between 1 and 2 μ m.

    测定结果表明:颗粒物的数量浓度、 总表 面积、质量浓度与颗粒物粒径在双对数坐标图上均呈直线关系,颗粒物浓度峰值在粒径1~2μm处。

  • It found that the regular pattern of reaction kinetics can be devided into two stages : at the beginning of step the reaction rate only relates with total surface area of wollastonite ;

    发现其反应动力学规律分为两阶段,初始阶段反应速度只与硅灰石 总表 面积有关;

  • At the earlier stage of heavy cutting the total length total surface area and mean diameter of plant roots decreased by 54.9 % 66.5 % and 27.2 % respectively and root activities also decreased greatly in comparing with zero-cutting .

    与不刈割处理相比,在刈割初期,重刈割处理下柱花草根系总长、 总表 面积和平均直径分别下降了54.9%、66.5%和27.2%,根系活力显著下降;

  • Built from scratch between 2004 and its opening this year the new terminal 's total surface area is larger than Heathrow 's five terminals put together .

    新航站楼于2004年动工,今年初初步投入使用。它的占地面积比伦敦希思罗机场5个航站楼加起来的 面积还要大。

  • As compared to montmorillonite the total surface area micro-pore surface area and micro-pore volume of copper-loaded montmorillonite are reduced while the cation exchange capacity external surface area pore volume and pore diameter are increased .

    与蒙脱石相比,载铜后的蒙脱石 面积、微孔比表面积、微孔体积减少,而离子交换容量、外比表面积、孔体积和孔径增大。

  • And the constraint and the goal is to minimize the total surface area .

    现在我们想要的是 最小化 面积

  • Al stress decreased the relative root length total root length and total surface area in two varieties of rape and the decline deal of 7d was greater than 3d treatment . Al-sensitive variety ( Huayou 2790 ) declined more than Al-resistant variety ( Zhongshuang No.7 ) .

    铝胁迫降低了两个油菜品种的相对根长、根系总长和 总表 面积,且处理7d的下降幅度大于3d,敏感品种华油2790的下降幅度大于耐性品种中双7号。

  • In order to study the protective effect of ATP-MgCl_2 on gut mucosal barrier function in trauma-induced stressed animal full thickness burn of 30 % total body surface area ( TBSA ) was pro - duced in rats and ATP-MgCl_2 was injected intraperitoneally right after scald-injury .

    为研究ATP-MgCl2对创伤应激动物肠粘膜的保护作用,采用 30%TBSAⅢ度烫伤大鼠模型,观察了腹腔注射ATP-MgCl2复合液对回肠粘膜丙二醛(MDA)含量及回肠组织形态学改变的影响。

  • When the total surface area of the sample is less than 0.5m ~ 2 it takes twenty minutes to reach adsorption equilibrium .

    试样的 面积小于 0.5m~2对,20分钟即能达到吸附平衡;

  • A simple and convenient method for the determination of total surface area of Y zeolites & the single point T-method

    测定Y沸石 总表 面积的简便方法&层厚单点法

  • Mothods : Wistar rats with 30 % total body surface area ⅲ degree burns were randomly divided into 3 groups : early feeding ( EF ) group delayed feeding ( DF ) group control group .

    方法:致Wistar大鼠总体 面积(TBSA) 30%三度烧伤,随机将动物分为早期喂养组(EF)、延迟喂养组(DF)和正常对照组。

  • Although the auricle represents only a minority of the total body surface area it is one of the most complex three-dimensional structures of the external body .

    虽然耳廓只 身体 表面很小的 比例但它却是身体外部具有最复杂三维结构的器官。

  • Further studies showed that the total surface area active surface area and specific surface area per unit root weight ( fresh weight ) of water hyacinth were higher than that of H. dubia but active surface area percentage were lower .

    进一步的研究表明,在相同的P水平下凤眼莲单位根重(鲜重)的 总表 面积、活跃表面积和比表面积比水鳖的高,但活跃表面积百分比比水鳖的低。

  • Find the total surface area of the trapezoid below .

    求以下梯形柱体的 表面 面积

  • Experimental results indicate that light hydrocarbon gasification rate can be increased by raising the air volume or the temperature of the air or the light hydrocarbon or the total surface area of air bubbles .

    结果表明,可通过增加空气流量、提高轻烃或空气温度和增大气泡 总表 面积的方法增加轻烃气化量。

  • Total root surface area of Brazil 10 was 131 % of that in the Local 2 under Al-P treatment while no difference under KP treatment .

    处理条件下,根系 总表 面积巴西10号是本地2号的131%,而钾磷处理二者没有明显差异。

  • It is defined the ratio of the total surface area of solid grains in a unit volume of debris flow to water volume contained in this unit volume .

    它定义为单位体积泥石流体中固体颗粒 面积 总和与下余的水的体积之比。

  • A 48 hours observation was obtained on the changes . of pulmonary surfactant system in rats with thermal injury of about 40 % of the total body surface area .

    本研究应用电镜组化和生化分析方法,对大鼠40% 体表 面积 层皮肤烫伤后肺泡表面活性物质系统改变进行了48小时动态观察。

  • 2 ) the total internal surface area of the alveoli ( S_A ) 4232.4 ± 702 . gcm ~ 2 ;

    2)双侧肺泡 面积(Sa)4232.4±702.9cm~2;

  • Two important parameters for determining initial efficiency is the total surface area of chemicals and absorbents .

    决定初效率的两个因素为 吸收体及化学物的 面积

  • The W or Y with three legs have a total surface area of113 square inches .

    型或者是Y型,有三段,则 辐射 面积为113平方英寸。

  • However RL total root surface area ( RS ) and RT induced by nitrogen under DS was increased by 16 % ~ 34 % 4 % ~ 35 % and 12 % ~ 36 % separately .

    而干旱胁迫下供氮诱导 根长、根 面积和分根数分别增加16%~34%,4%~35%和12%~36%。