topographic anatomy


  • MRI can demonstrate the situation of topographic anatomy of invasive glioma .

    MRI可清楚显示其 地形学局部 解剖学情况。

  • It is important to master the theoretical basis of anatomy to closely integrate the theory with clinical practice to correctly handle the relationship between them and to constantly explore the thought and the way in the teaching reform of topographic anatomy in practice .

    在扎实掌握系统解剖知识的基础上,强化 解剖基础理论的实用性,紧密联系临床实际,处理好学习理论与联系临床二者之间的关系,在实践中不断探索 教学改革的思路与方法。

  • Practice and thought on teaching topographic anatomy combined with clinic


  • Conclusions : The morphologic and topographic anatomy of the coronary artery malformation is significant for clinical practice . Its development is based on its embryological foundation .

    结论:冠状动脉畸形在临床实践中有其意义,其发生有它的 胚胎学基础。

  • Methods : The topographic anatomy of the lumbosacral spinal nerves in the intervertebral foramen was observed in 46 cadavers .

    方法: 解剖46具尸体的腰骶神经,对神经根管内段的 形态进行了肉眼观察。

  • Re-make the hand and foot bone specimen with the corpse sample in topographic anatomy

    利用 局部 解剖尸体标本再制作手骨足骨标本的探讨

  • With the development of teaching reform topographic anatomy has been turned into the basic course of clinical medicine from the basic course of medicine .

    局部 解剖学是实用性很强的与临床医学相衔接的“桥梁课程”。

  • To study of the probing-style teaching method of topographic anatomy combining with clinical surgical operations

    与临床外科手术相结合的 局部 解剖学探究式实验教学研究

  • The contents of the systemic and topographic anatomy can be unified .

    系统 解剖学 局部 解剖学内容能够统一;

  • Objective To study the clinical significance of lower eyelid topographic anatomy in lower blepharoplasty .

    目的探讨下睑 局部 解剖在眼袋成形术中的临床意义。

  • Objective : To investigate the methods of re-making the hand and foot bone specimen with the corpse sample in topographic anatomy .

    目的:探讨将 局部 解剖尸体标本的手骨、足制作成手骨、足骨标本的方法。

  • The division-mark of the region of abdomen is not all the same in the textbooks of human anatomy and topographic anatomy which has brought some contradictions in the teaching .

    在《人体解剖学》和《 局部 解剖学》教材中,有关腹部分区的划分标志不统一,给教学带来一些矛盾。