top gear

[tɑp ɡɪr][tɔp ɡiə]


  • The party organization is moving into top gear as the election approaches .

    随着选举临近,党组织的活动也 如火如荼

  • All in all it was a successful night and knowing that United are in touch at the top without hitting top gear I think we can expect an exciting New Year .

    总的来说这还是个成功的夜晚,曼联也接近了领头羊。虽然没挂 ,我想我们还是能期待一个激动人心的新年。

  • The production process of top grade gear steel in 30 t EAF LF VD line has been analyzed and composition adjustment technology has been established . The relation between product properties and chemical composition has been stepwise regression analyzed for optimization of inner composition control .

    对30tEAF-LF-VD冶炼 高级 齿轮钢的过程进行分析,由此确定LF-VD过程中的成分微调工艺和VD过程中成分的变化规律,并对钢的各项性能与化学成分进行逐步回归分析,确定了最佳内控成分。

  • Prediction of Top Quench Value for Automobile Gear Steel Based on Artifical Neural Network

    基于人工神经网络预报汽车 齿轮钢的 淬值

  • Red Necks Nearly Kill People From Top Gear They know how to piss of people from Alabama .

    红颈将近从他们知道怎么从亚拉巴马人撒尿的 高速 杀死人。

  • In recent years as the further development of campus culture student society activity is moving into top gear forming into the colorful society culture .

    近年来,随着校园文化的深入发展,学生社团活动 如火如茶地开展起来,形成了丰富多彩的社团文化。

  • Top Gear : Why would you choose a BMW3-series over a new Ford Mondeo ?

    汽车评测》:为什么非要买一辆宝马3系,而不是第三代福特 蒙迪欧呢?

  • Hargreaves admits United have not yet hit top gear but he has been encouraged by the dogged determination shown by the team .

    哈格里夫斯承认曼联还没有达到 顶峰,但是他被团队坚持不懈的作风所鼓舞。

  • So I have to sit in front of tennis Top Gear and Star Wars with him .

    所以我不得不坐在电视机前,陪它一起看网球赛直播,《英国疯狂 汽车 》和《星球大战》。

  • We absolutely need it to be there but as any Top Gear fan can tell you-power under the hood doesn 't always equal a powerful experience .

    我们需要它,但作为一个 高端 设备的粉丝,我可以告诉你–这种在后台的力量不能代表使用它会是强大的体验。

  • Retrofit washers between studs and convertible top gear .

    改装螺杆和活 齿轮之间的垫圈。

  • It is the top gear tooth shape only different last tooth is the fine teeth .


  • The receiving player may then choose to accept the resurrection which will re-incorporate them on top of their corpse with full gear but with resurrection sickness .

    收到信息的玩家可以选择接受复活,会使他们带着全部 物品在尸体 上方复活,但是带着复活虚弱。

  • Production of Top Grade Gear Steel in 30 t EAF-LF - VD

    用30t EAF-LF-VD冶炼高级 齿轮

  • One can hardly imagine the episode of Top Gear in which they compare Google cars .

    人们很难想象 Top Gear会在哪期节目中对比各款谷歌汽车。

  • Based on meshing principle of noncircular gears tooth location on the pitch line has been decided and curve equation of the gear contour gear top and gear root has been deduced .

    依据非圆齿轮啮合原理,确定轮齿在节曲线上的位置,并推导了轮齿的齿廓、齿 齿根的曲线方程。

  • New method of measuring concentric grade error between graduation circle and top circle of cylinder gear

    圆柱 齿轮分度圆与 齿 圆同心度误差的测量新方法

  • The specification refers to a convertible top gear .

    规格指活 齿轮

  • Its super-keynesian expansionary response to the global recession has put the economy back into top gear .

    它为应对全球衰退而实施的扩张政策,把凯恩斯主义发挥到了极致,也令经济恢复了 高速增长。

  • Research on Cutting-down Quantity of Gear 's Top for Gear Transmission with Modified Pressure Angle

    对角度变 齿轮传动削 量的探讨

  • If you try to start off in top gear you will stall .

    要是刚一发动就用 最高 ,那就会熄火。

  • The selecting principle of gear shaper cutter 's modification coefficient and the four restricted conditions : no sharpening the top gear no interference of the cut gear 's fillet curve no undercut and no top cut are discussed .

    讨论了插齿刀变位系数选取原则以及应当满足不产生 齿 尖、被切齿轮齿根过渡曲线干涉、根切和顶切等4个的约束条件。

  • Personal stance : cycles to work but loves top gear fossil fuels are fun .

    个人立场:骑车上班,但喜欢看《车迷大本营》( top gear)“化石燃料非常有趣”。

  • Chelsea boss Jose Mourinho insists his team still haven 't reached top gear after Saturday 's victory over Portsmouth .

    切尔西的主帅何塞。穆里尼奥在上周六球队战胜普茨矛斯的比赛后强调球队仍然没有达到 最佳 状态

  • Agile and flexible tactics can assure one in top gear .

    灵活 机动的战术是能力充分发挥的 有力保证。

  • Her career is moving into top gear .

    她的事业正如日 中天

  • The involute generative principle and top gear hob is the same .

    非渐开线展成 滚刀工作原理与 齿轮滚刀相同。

  • They were sensibly dressed from top to toe in rain gear .

    他们 从头到脚都用 雨具捂得严严实实,非常明智。

  • A Design of Double Conic Top Face Gear Shaper Cutter

    双圆锥 刀面插 齿刀的设计

  • As you would expect Fulham came at us strongly in the opening phases but once we had got over that we moved smoothly into top gear to earn an exciting semi-final tie against Everton .

    你能想到富勒姆开场肯定会让我们难受,但只要适应下来我们就轻松地控制了比赛,闯进半决赛对战 埃弗顿